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Message de princessblood posté le 16-04-2012 à 17:00:21 (S | E | F)

Pourriez-vous m'aider encore une fois (c'est la dernière! Désolé)à me corriger, s'il vous plaît?
Je vous remercie tous d'avance!

When the main character, John Anderton, is accused by the precogs of murdering Leo Crow in the future, he runs away. He is going to ask Dr Hineman for help because he thinks it is an error of the system. The lead researcher of PreCrime will speak with Anderton. The quote appears at this moment. We can consequently wonder why Dr Hineman said these sentences. Which is the connection between the film and this comment about the survival instinct of every creature?
The quote clearly constitutes a squelch for Anderton. In fact it brings to the fore the paradox between the stiff behaviour of the PreCrime captain before he was wanted by the police and his behaviour after. When he is accused, he is not the captain of the most powerful police force of the country anymore. He is only a man, an animal who is hunted and tries to run away. In this mental state, the person even forgets their name in order to be concentrated on their escape. The only thing that matters is their survival and only their survival. All the life that has could be built during the past years doesn’t exist. Memories, feelings are completely blotted out to let the fear sweep over the mind. It is a moment of pure stress with a rush of adrenaline. So, what Dr. Hineman tries to explain by saying all organisms are alike can be put into other words. First, if John Anderton reacts by the escape to an accusation, so every person too. The escape is not an evidence of guilt but only a proof of our common sense. It is normal. Moreover, this escape shows that John Anderton doesn’t apply his principles, his conception of justice when the case concerns him. It brings out cowardice peculiar to human being but also selfishness. We are only interested in our own survival, not the one of other. Altruism is nonexistent when we are in danger.
Therefore, if I have to sum up what is important in this reflection on this quote, I will say that it needs to remember that an escape is not a proof that we are guilty of something. I will say also that we don’t have to forget that the survival instinct brings out the worst feelings that we contain in our mind.

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-04-2012 17:19

Réponse: Correction/guilty de notrepere, postée le 16-04-2012 à 22:18:35 (S | E)

When the main character, John Anderton, is accused by the precogs(mal placé) of murdering Leo Crow in the future, he runs away. He is going to ask Dr Hineman for help because he thinks it is an error of('flaw in' est mieux) the system. The lead researcher of PreCrime will speak with Anderton. The quote appears at this moment. We can consequently wonder why Dr Hineman said these sentences(maladresse ; 'made these remarks' vaut mieux). Which is the connection between the film and this comment about the survival instinct of every creature?
The quote clearly constitutes a squelch for Anderton. In fact, it brings to the fore the paradox between the stiff behaviour of the PreCrime captain before he was wanted by the police and his behaviour after. When he is accused, he is not the captain of the most powerful police force of the country anymore. He is only a man, an animal who is hunted and tries to run away. In this mental state, the person even forgets their name in order to be concentrated(infinitif) on their escape. The only thing that matters is their survival and only their survival. All the life that has could be(maladroit) built during the past years doesn’t exist. Memories, feelings are completely blotted out to let the fear sweep over the mind. It is a moment of pure stress with a rush of adrenaline. So, what Dr. Hineman tries to explain by saying all organisms are alike can be put into other words. First, if John Anderton reacts by the escape(forme) to an accusation, so every person too(maladroit). The escape Fleeing is not an evidence of guilt but only a proof of our common sense. It is normal. Moreover, this escape shows that John Anderton doesn’t apply his principles, his conception of justice when the case concerns him. It brings out cowardice peculiar to human beings but also selfishness. We are only interested in our own survival, not the one of other(maladroit). Altruism is nonexistent when we are in danger.
Therefore, if I have to sum up what is important in this reflection on this quote, I will say that it needs to remember that an escape is not a proof that we are guilty of something. I will say also that we don’t have to shouldn't forget that the survival instinct brings out the worst feelings that we contain in our minds.

Réponse: Correction/guilty de princessblood, postée le 17-04-2012 à 09:28:04 (S | E)
Coucou, j'ai essayé de corriger. Est-ce que c'est bon. Il y a des phrases que j'ai laissé car je ne comprends pas pourquoi c'est faux? Vous pouvez m'expliquer les erreurs? Merci d'avance.

When the main character, John Anderton, is accused of murdering Leo Crow in the future by the precogs, he runs away. He is going to ask Dr Hineman for help because he thinks it is a flaw in the system, or a setup of Danny Witwer, his superior. The lead researcher of PreCrime will speak with Anderton. The quote appears at this moment. We can consequently wonder why Dr Hineman made these remarks. What is the connection between the film and this comment about the survival instinct of every creature?
The quote clearly constitutes a squelch intended for Anderton. In fact it brings to the fore the paradox between the stiff behaviour of the PreCrime captain before he was wanted by the police and his behaviour after. When he is accused, he is not the captain of the most powerful police force of the country anymore. He is only a man, an animal who is hunted and tries to run away. In this mental state, a person even forgets their name in order to be concentrated on their escape. The only thing that matters is their survival and only their survival. All the life that might have been built during the past years doesn’t exist. Memories, feelings are completely blotted out to let the fear sweep over the mind. It is a moment of pure stress with a rush of adrenaline. So, what Dr. Hineman tries to explain by saying all organisms are alike can be put into other words. First, if John Anderton reacts to an accusation by escaping, so each person can do it too. Fleeing is not an evidence of guilt but only a proof of our common sense. It is normal. Moreover, this escape shows that John Anderton doesn’t apply his principles, his conception of justice when the case concerns him. It brings out cowardice peculiar to human beings but also selfishness. We are only interested in our own survival, not the one of other. Altruism is nonexistent when we are in danger.
Therefore, if I have to sum up what is important in this reflection on this quote, I will say that we have to remember that an escape is not a proof that we are guilty of something. I will say also that we shouldn’t forget that the survival instinct brings out the worst feelings that we contain in our minds.

Réponse: Correction/guilty de bluestar, postée le 19-04-2012 à 16:08:15 (S | E)

When the main character, John Anderton, is accused of murdering Leo Crow in the future by the precogs, he runs away. He is going to ask Dr Hineman for help because he thinks it is a flaw in the system, or a setup of Danny Witwer, his superior. The lead researcher of PreCrime will speak with Anderton. The quote appears at this moment. We can consequently wonder why Dr Hineman made these remarks. What is the connection between the film and this comment about the survival instinct of every creature?
The quote clearly constitutes a squelch rebuke intended for Anderton. In fact it brings to the fore the paradox contrast between the stiff behaviour of the PreCrime captain before he was wanted by the police and his behaviour after. When he is accused, he is not the captain of the most powerful police force of the country anymore. He is only a man, an animal who is hunted and tries to run away. In this mental state, a person even forgets their his (subject is singular "a person") name in order to be concentrated on their his escape. The only thing that matters is their his survival. and only their survival. All the life that might have been built during the past years His previous life doesn’t exist. Memories, feelings are completely blotted out to let the fear sweep over the mind. It is a moment of pure stress with a rush of adrenaline. So, what Dr. Hineman tries to explain by saying all organisms are alike can be put into other words. First, if John Anderton reacts to an accusation by escaping fleeing, so each person can do it too this is what most people would do too.. Fleeing is not an evidence of guilt but only a proof of our common sense. It is normal. Moreover, this escape flight shows that John Anderton doesn’t apply his principles, his conception of justice when the case concerns him. It brings out the cowardice peculiar to human beings but also the selfishness. We are only interested in our own survival, not the one of other not that of others. Altruism is nonexistent when we are in danger.
Therefore, if I have to sum up what is important in this reflection on this quote, I will say that we have to remember that an escape flight is not a proof that we are guilty of something, and . I will say also that we shouldn’t forget that the survival instinct brings out our the worst feelings. that we contain in our minds.

Modifié par bluestar le 19-04-2012 16:09


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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