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Devoir / Ruby Bridges

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Devoir / Ruby Bridges
Message de tomlat posté le 19-04-2012 à 14:29:33 (S | E | F)

mon devoir consiste à imaginer à partir d'un tableau représentant Ruby Bridges allant à l'école entourée de policiers, le point de vue de Ruby, celui de sa mére et celui de la tomate écrasée sur le mur. A la premiere personne du singulier.

Voici ce que j'ai fait, merci de me donner vos avis.

The young girl’s point of view:

For my first day in my new school with white children, I was much exited although I had to go to school alone. In that way I would like to say that I was the only and the first black girl to do this. My mother was quite anxious for me but she was not the only one to be nervous.

That’s why federal marshals drove my mother and me to my new school. It was amazing for me. I was very surprised when someone threw a tomato against me. Luckily it didn’t touch me. There were so many people who stared and pointed at me all day long. The second day it was almost the same, but I tried not to pay attention to them. The only thing which was important for me was to learn new things with my lovely teacher.

The next day my mother had to stay at home with my brothers and sister. When I passed through the mob in front of school I know that prayers were my protection but I also know that it was difficult for my family which had problems because I was going to school. There were some white people who were against me but also white and black people who helped my family. Day after day it began to be easier and the next year it was almost normal for black children to go to school.

The Ruby’s mother’s point of view:

That day was the first time that my little Ruby was going to school. As any mother in the world I was quite anxious about that, maybe more than my daughter herself. In fact it was also the first time that a black girl would go to school with other white children. That’s why federal marshal came to bring Ruby and me to school by car. Fortunately they were here to protect my little girl when someone threw a tomato against her. She was wearing such a nice white dress I would not have seen her going to school for the first time with a tomato task on her! The two first days I go there with her because I was very nervous to know that she had to go to school alone. Then I had to take care of my other children and finally Ruby went there every day without any other problems. Of course, our family had difficulties with people who didn’t understand that our black child was going to school with white boys and girls but we managed to pass over it. It was a good thing for our Ruby, but also for all the other black students and their families.

The Tomato’s point of view:

I don’t understand what happened to me today. I was happy living with my all family in such a nice garden near from a school when someone idiot took me up and threw me to wall. In my fly I saw a lovely little black girl in a white dress. She was with a woman, that I supposed to be her mother and also with marshals. Then I understood that this girl was the little black girl that all newspapers where speaking about. She was the first black girl to go to school with white children. But why does this person attack this girl. Because she is black? And then?

That’s not a reason to separate me from my family and to throw against a wall…

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-04-2012 15:05

Réponse: Devoir / Ruby Bridges de bluestar, postée le 21-04-2012 à 16:44:54 (S | E)

The young girl’s point of view:

For my first day in my new school with white children, I was much exited (orthographe) although I had to go to school alone. In that way I would like to say that I I was the only and the first black girl to do this. My mother was quite anxious for me but she was not the only one to be nervous.

That’s why federal marshals drove my mother and me to my new school. It was amazing for me. I was very surprised when someone threw a tomato against(preposition?) me. Luckily it didn’t touch me. There were so many people who stared and pointed at me all day long. The second day it was almost the same, but I tried not to pay attention to them. The only thing which was important for me was to learn new things with my lovely teacher.

The next day my mother had to stay at home with my brothers and sister. When I passed through the mob in front of school I know that prayers were my protection but I also know>(temps?) that it was difficult for my family which who ("who" pour les gens, "which" pour les choses) had problems because I was going to school. There were some white people who were against me but also white and black people who helped my family. Day after day it began to be easier and the next year it was almost normal for black children to go to school.

The Ruby’s mother’s point of view:

That day was the first time that my little Ruby was going to school. As Like any mother in the world I was quite anxious about that, maybe more than my daughter herself. In fact it was also the first time that a black girl would go to school with other white children. That’s why federal marshals came to bring Ruby and me to school by car. Fortunately they were here to protect my little girl when someone threw a tomato against (preposition?) her. She was wearing such a nice white dress I would not have seen her going to school for the first time with a tomato task stain on her! The two first first two days I go (temps?) there with her because I was very nervous to know that she had to go to school alone. Then I had to take care of my other children and finally Ruby went there every day without any other problems. Of course, our family had difficulties with people who didn’t understand that our black child was going to school with white boys and girls but we managed to pass over it. It was a good thing for our Ruby, but also for all the other black students and their families.

The Tomato’s point of view:

I don’t understand what happened to me today. I was happy living with my all all my family in such a nice garden near from a school when someone idiot took me up and threw me to a wall. In my fly flight I saw a lovely little black girl in a white dress. She was with a woman, that who I supposed to be her mother and also with marshals. Then I understood that this girl was the little black girl that who all newspapers where speaking about. She was the first black girl to go to school with white children. But why does this person attack this girl. Because she is black? And then?

That’s not a reason to separate me from my family and to throw me against a wall…


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