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Rédaction/Vacances de Pâques

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Rédaction/Vacances de Pâques
Message de jeannejone posté le 21-04-2012 à 15:29:58 (S | E | F)

Mon professeur d´anglais m´a demandé de raconter ce que j´ai fait pendant les vacances de Pâques.
Voici ci-dessous ce que j´ai écrit.
Je vous serais reconnaissante de bien vouloir m´aider à corriger mes erreurs.
Merci pour vos réponses.

For my Easter´s holidays , I went to the seaside resort of Zestoa,during five days.
It was very well-known in nineteenth century, especially of the second half of the century. It´s a quit place, surrounded by mountains whose dominant colour is the green.
I visited the Zuloaga Museum of Zumaia.The Eibar artist Ignacio Zuloaga adquired an old hermitage and inn on the road to Santiago in Zumaia next to the mouth of the Urola river , to set up his studio.I have particulary appreciated the Mourning Virgin by Quintin de Torre in the chapel, and seeing the painting "El forjador herido" that he painted when he was twenty years old, I stayed marveled in front of so much strength and realism.
I visited The Balenciaga Museum wich housed in a newly built annexto Palacio Aldamar.This majectic villa is on a hilltop overlooking Getaria.As said Coco Chanel:" he is the only true couturier among us".
And to finish , I went to visit "Ekainberri" cave, famous for its cave paintings from the magdaleniam period .It´s a replica of Ekain Cave. Each of the reproductions on display is identical to the original cave, and they have been using the same techniques and materials as in Ekain. the cave holds around seventy animals figures, Horses are the most common animal.

Modifié par lucile83 le 21-04-2012 15:37

Réponse: Rédaction/Vacances de Pâques de notrepere, postée le 21-04-2012 à 16:34:22 (S | E)

For my Easter´s holidays , I went to the seaside resort of Zestoa,during five days.
It was very well-known in the nineteenth century, especially of the second half of the century. It´s a quit(orthographe) place, surrounded by mountains whose dominant colour is the green.
I visited the Zuloaga Museum of Zumaia.The Eibar artist Ignacio Zuloaga adquired an old hermitage and inn on the road to Santiago in Zumaia next to the mouth of the Urola river , to set up his studio.I have particulary appreciated the Mourning Virgin by Quintin de Torre in the chapel, and seeing the painting "El forjador herido" that he painted when he was twenty years old. I stayed(rester = stay / remain) marveled in front of so much strength and realism.
I visited The Balenciaga Museum wich(orthographe) was housed in a newly built annex to Palacio Aldamar.This majectic(orthographe) villa is on a hilltop overlooking Getaria.As said Coco Chanel once said:" he is the only true couturier among us".
And to finish , I went to visit "Ekainberri" cave, famous for its cave paintings from the magdaleniam period .It´s a replica of Ekain Cave. Each of the reproductions on display is identical to the original cave, and they have been using the same techniques and materials as in Ekain. The cave holds around seventy animals figures. Horses are the most common animal.

Réponse: Rédaction/Vacances de Pâques de jeannejone, postée le 21-04-2012 à 21:18:58 (S | E)

je tiens à remercier "notrepère" pour avoir eu l´amabilité de me répondre.À partir de ses remarques, voici la correction que j´ai apportée à mon texte.
Veuillez me dire si cela est correct.Je vous remercie d´avance pour votre aide.

For my Easter holidays , I went to the seaside resort of Zestoa for five days. it was famous in the nineteenth century, especially during the second half of the century.It´s a quiet place, surrounded by moutains, whose dominant colour is green.
I visited the Zuloaga Museum of Zumaia.The Eibar artist Ignacio Zuloaga acquired an old hermitage and inn on the road to Santiago in Zumaia next to the mouth of the Urola river , to set up his studio.I have particulary appreciate the Mourning Virgin by Quintin de Torre in the chapel, and seeing the painting "El forjador herido" that he painted when he was twenty years old, I remained marveled in front of so much strength and realism.
I visited also the Balenciaga Museum which was housed in a newly built annexto Palacio Aldanar.This majestic villa is on a hilltop overlooking Getaria. As Coco Chanel one said " he is the only true couturier among us".
And to finish, I went to visit "Ekainberri" Cave, famous for its cave paintings from the magdaleniam period, it´s a replica of Ekain Cave.Each of the reproductions on display is identical to the original cave, and they have been using the same techniques and materials as in Ekain. the cave holds around seventy animals figures.Horses are the most common animal.

Modifié par lucile83 le 21-04-2012 22:05

Réponse: Rédaction/Vacances de Pâques de gerondif, postée le 22-04-2012 à 00:44:55 (S | E)

For my Easter holidays , I went to the seaside resort of Zestoa for five days. it was famous in the nineteenth century, especially during the second half of the century.It´s a quiet place, surrounded by mountains, whose dominant colour is green. (whose derrière mountains me chatouille un peu mais on l'entend)
I visited the Zuloaga Museum of Zumaia.The Eibar artist Ignacio Zuloaga acquired an old hermitage and inn on the road to Santiago in Zumaia next to the mouth of the Urola river , to set up his studio.I have particulary appreciated the Mourning Virgin by Quintin de Torre in the chapel, and seeing the painting "El forjador herido" that he painted when he was twenty years old, I remained marveled (doit exister mais grinche à mon oreille. variantes: I couldn't help but marvel at...., ) in front of so much strength and realism.

I visited also(à placer devant le verbe) the Balenciaga Museum which was housed in a newly built annexto Palacio Aldanar.This majestic villa is on a hilltop overlooking Getaria. As Coco Chanel one said " he is the only true couturier among us".
And to finish, I went to visit the "Ekainberri" Cave, famous for its cave paintings from the magdaleniam period, it´s a replica of the Ekain Cave.Each of the reproductions on display is identical to the original cave, and they have been using the same techniques and materials as in Ekain. the cave holds around seventy animals figures.Horses are the most common animal(plural?).

Réponse: Rédaction/Vacances de Pâques de notrepere, postée le 22-04-2012 à 00:50:46 (S | E)

For my Easter holidays , I went to the seaside resort of Zestoa for five days. It was famous in the nineteenth century, especially during the second half of the century. It´s a quiet place, surrounded by mountains, whose dominant colour is green.
I visited the Zuloaga Museum of Zumaia. The Eibar artist Ignacio Zuloaga acquired an old hermitage and inn on the road to Santiago in Zumaia next to the mouth of the Urola river , to set up his studio. I have particularly appreciated the Mourning Virgin by Quintin de Torre in the chapel, and seeing the painting "El forjador herido" that he painted when he was twenty years old, I remained marveledvtransfixed in front of so much strength and realism.
I visited also the Balenciaga Museum which was housed in a newly built annex to Palacio Aldanar.This majestic villa is on a hilltop overlooking Getaria. As Coco Chanel once said " he is the only true couturier among us".
And to finish, I went to visit "Ekainberri" Cave, famous for its cave paintings from the magdaleniam period, it´s a replica of Ekain Cave.Each of the reproductions on display is identical to the original cave, and they have been using the same techniques and materials as in Ekain. the cave holds around seventy animals figures.Horses are the most common animal.

Modifié par notrepere le 22-04-2012 00:54

Réponse: Rédaction/Vacances de Pâques de jeannejone, postée le 23-04-2012 à 14:21:53 (S | E)

je tiens à remercier vivement les professeurs "notrepère" et "gérondif" pour m´avoir accordé leur aide , qui m´a été fort bénéfique.



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