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Correction/solar panel

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Correction/solar panel
Message de alcove posté le 12-05-2012 à 18:34:51 (S | E | F)

J'ai réalisé un travail pour une présentation orale, mais je voudrais savoir s'il vous plaît si j'ai fait des fautes.
Merci par avance.

When buying a traditional solar panel and setting it, we often face the problem that during a part of the day his efficieny his reduced. Let me explain. It's obvious that when the sun doesn't face the panel, the sunbeams don't strike it, or a little.
I'm convinced that one way to solve such a problem is to use a solar panel which tracks the sun.
This device can be defined as a means to produce a lot of energy. What i mean is that this type of solar panel should be classified as an advanced panel.
As you can see from the drawing, this solar panel is made up of three different parts:

- To start with, the unit consists of a panel which is also called "Helio-tubes" because as you can see on the transparency there are semi-cylindrical structures, more precisely ten which are made of glass in order to permit the sunbeams to penetrate in these semi tubes.
-Secondly, this panel features a motor with a stand. Let me tell you why. As i said previously this device can track the sun, consequently, the motor enables it to move, so it consumes little power to perform this task. And of course they are made of iron because the panel may become hot.
-Last but not least, it is also equipped with a sensor of sunlight. The sensor is built up in the panel and it's a main element. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that thanks to it the "Helio-tubes" knows the position of the sun.
As illustrated on the visual each trough of the ten semi- cylindrical structures is only one meter long and twelve centimeters wide, that is to say the width of the panel is about one meter and twenty centimeters.
Moreover, the strip of photo-voltaic material is very small, only twelve millimeters wide. To finish with sizes, these dishes require twice the area of traditional panels, because they move during the day.

As you can imagine this device is available in only one colour because the iron is grey and the glass is transparent.

It's obvious that this new product is designed to produce electrical power thanks to the sunlight. What i mean is that it enables the user to reduce his electricity invoice. This implies that the unit is cost-effective over a longer period.

And now, let me first tell you how to install it and how the system works:

The first step is to fix the stand on the floor. The second stage consists in connecting this appliance to the electrical system of your house.

First of all, the sunbeams strick the entire panel more precisely the tubes. Secondly, as soon as the sunbeams have entered in a tube, they are deflected by motorised lenses and focused onto solar cell material. In the meantime, sunlight is turned into electrical power, with an output of one hundred and seventy five Watts, and the power is used to switch on your lamps for example. And i would like to add that the part of electrical power which isn't used, is stocked in a battery.

It's clear that the main advantage of this solar panel is that it's less expensive than a conventional solar panel. Let me explain, it's a third less because the product is designed with only one-eighth of the expensive photo-voltaic material.
Moreover, i would like to stress one particuliar point which is the fact that this device is pollution free and if you want you can sell your excess energy.

The only drawback, however, is that it's excluded to install them on roof-tops because space is limited. However, we should not forget that you can set them up where space isn't limited.

Now i suppose you are wondering where to buy this new cost saving solar panel. Well let me tell you that this product is available from our website. A one point eight square meter panel retails at seven hundred and ninety dollars. And it will be available in July from all renewable energy shops.

In conclusion, i would like to stress that this advanced solar panel would be very usefull for two living being, you, because it's profitable and the environment. What i'm suggesting is that it will enable you to protect the environment because we don't inherit the earth from our encestors, we borrow it from our children.

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-05-2012 18:56


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