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Les planètes/aide

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Les planètes/aide
Message de guigui55 posté le 17-06-2012 à 22:47:34 (S | E | F)

Est-ce que toutes les planètes sont des mots neutres en anglais ?
Pouvez-vous s'il vous plaît me dire s'il y a des fautes dans mes phrases?

The solar system

The sun is a star which the diameter on the equator is about 10x the diameter of Jupiter (1 392 000 km).
The average temperature is 5 500°C.
Its revolution periode around the galactic center is 240 millions of years.
Its rotation periode is 25.4 days on the equatorial and 36 days on the poles.

Mercury is a planet. Its diameter at the equator is 4878 km.
The temperature is 430°C during the day and -180°C during the night.
It has no satellites

Venus is a planet. Its diameter on the equator is 12 104 km.
Its rotation periode is 243 days in retrograde sense and its revolution periode is 225 days.

The moon is a part of the Earth, which was separated 4 500 000 000 years ago.
The temperature is 125 °C the day and -175°C the night.

Jupiter is a planet. It is the biggest one in the solarium system.

Saturn is a planet. Its diameter on the equator is 120 600km.
Its rotation periode is 10 hours and 14 minutes on the equator to 10 hours 39 minutes on the poles.
It has 9 rings.

Merci pour vos réponses.

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-06-2012 23:00

Réponse: Les planètes/aide de gerondif, postée le 17-06-2012 à 22:55:38 (S | E)
votre texte sent le traducteur automatique:
Vérifiez donc "periode" qui est resté en français et "solarium system", délicieuse erreur (the solar system.)
"dont" traduit par which n'ira pas non plus.

Réponse: Les planètes/aide de guigui55, postée le 17-06-2012 à 23:06:17 (S | E)
je corrige: "The solar system" (comme le titre!)

-période = period, donc "period of revolution" ou "revolution's period" ?
-The sun is a star whose diameter on the equator is ..." : est-ce juste ?

Réponse: Les planètes/aide de irish21, postée le 18-06-2012 à 00:21:04 (S | E)

Period of revolution: OK
The sun is a star whose equatorial diameter is..

Réponse: Les planètes/aide de traviskidd, postée le 18-06-2012 à 02:29:16 (S | E)

No need to say "equatorial" diameter, since the diameter of a sphere is the same as the diameter of its equator.
Also, with planets, you can simply say "day" and "year" instead of "rotation period" and "revolution period".
And yes, planets, like all objects, have no gender; they are referred to by the pronoun "it".
See you.

Réponse: Les planètes/aide de irish21, postée le 18-06-2012 à 06:19:49 (S | E)
Hello traviskidd,

"no need to say 'equatorial diameter', since the diameter of a sphere is the same as the diameter of its equator"
It seems likely that the sun also has its polar diameter.
Here is a link:
Lien internet


Réponse: Les planètes/aide de guigui55, postée le 20-06-2012 à 14:28:40 (S | E)
Hello, thanks to all.

J'ai corrigé period et solar.
J'ai mis ? là où je ne sais pas.
Voici ma proposition:

The solar system

The sun is a star whose equatorial diameter is about ten times the diameter of Jupiter (1 392 000 km).
The average temperature is 5 500°C.
Its revolution period around the galactic center is 240 millions of years.
Its rotation period is 25.4 days on the equator and 36 days on the poles.

Mercury is a planet. Its diameter at the equator is 4878 km.
The temperature is 430°C during the day and -180°C during the night.
It has no satellites.

Venus is a planet. Its diameter on the equator is 12 104 km.
Its rotation period is 243 days in retrograde sense and its revolution period is 225 days.

The moon is a part of the Earth, which was separated 4 500 000 000 years ago.
The temperature is 125 °C (in?) the day and -175°C the night.

Jupiter is a planet. It is the biggest one in the solar system.

Saturn is a planet. Its diameter on the equator is 120 600km.
Its rotation period is 10 hours and 14 minutes on the equator to 10 hours 39 minutes on the poles.
It has 9 rings.

+Est-ce qu'il faut écrire rotation's period et revolution's period ?

Merci d'avance.

Réponse: Les planètes/aide de traviskidd, postée le 20-06-2012 à 23:27:55 (S | E)
Hello irish21.

Your point is well taken; however from your link:
[The sun] is a near-perfect sphere, with an oblateness estimated at about 9 millionths, which means that its polar diameter differs from its equatorial diameter by only 10 km.
And I believe 10km is less than the implied error tolerance given for the equatorial diameter, hence no need to differentiate between the two.

See you.

Réponse: Les planètes/aide de irish21, postée le 21-06-2012 à 04:32:44 (S | E)
traviskidd, I'm not really an expert in mathematical physics,so I can share your point of view on this, indeed

guigui55,concernant vos questions, il est mieux de dire 'at the equator', 'at the pole(s)', 'rotation period' ou 'period of rotation' (le s' marque la possession. Vous pourriez dire 'sun's rotation period','earth's rotation period'.



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