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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Forme passive/aide
Message de osef posté le 20-09-2012 à 21:19:53 (S | E | F)

Pouvez-vous m'aider pour ce devoir s'il vous plaît?
Voici l'énoncé :
Essay in 150 words :
Do you like going to fast food restaurants ? Why ?
You must use :
- 3 different expressions of cause and consequence
- 3 different opinions
- 2 different passive forms

C'est pour demain, j'ai passé toute ma soirée (de 18h à 21h17 en ce moment...) sur ce sujet, et je n'arrive pas à trouver 2 formes passives différentes ! Voici ce que j'ai écrit :

I like to go sometimes in fast food because it allows have a good time with friends or my family, and there is no need to prepare foods myself. It is quick and easy : fast food restaurants are everywhere! When I am very busy or when I want spend a good time with my family and friends consequently the fast food is what I prefer !

However, the food offered is bad for health : eating too often in a fast-food is not what is the best. Many people in the USA are obese since they eat too much there. As a result, obesity is the second cause cause of death in the U.S.

But fast food restaurants are inexpensive, that's why they're sometimes useful. If I don't have much money then I prefer to eat at a fast food restaurant. But must be alone because when we are many, it is much more expensive!

Ca serait génial si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider ! Merci d'avance !

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-09-2012 21:25

Réponse: Forme passive/aide de lucile83, postée le 20-09-2012 à 21:41:51 (S | E)

2 formes passives en bleu en améliorant ce que vous aviez écrit:
I like to go sometimes mal placé in fast food because it allows ... have a good time with friends or my family, and there is no need to prepare foods myself. It is quick and easy : fast food restaurants are can be found everywhere! When I am very busy or when I want ... spend a good time with my family and friends consequently the fast food is what I prefer !

However, the food which is prepared there is bad for health : eating too often in a fast-food is not what is the best...mal dit. Many people in the USA are obese since they eat too much there. As a result, obesity is the second cause cause of death in the U.S....répétition.
But fast food restaurants are inexpensive, that's why they're sometimes useful. If I don't have much money then I prefer to eat at a fast food restaurant. But ... must be alone because when we are many, it is much more expensive!

J'ai mis les fautes en rouge et il y a pas mal de maladresses.

Réponse: Forme passive/aide de osef, postée le 20-09-2012 à 21:48:43 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup de ta réponse. J'ai essayé de corriger :

I like sometimes to go in fast food because it allows to have a good time with friends or my family, and there is no need to prepare food myself. It is quick and easy : fast food restaurants can be found everywhere ! When I am very busy or when I want to spend a good time with my family and friends, the fast food is what I prefer !

However, the food which is prepared there is bad for health : eating too often in a fast-food is not recommended. Many people in the USA are obese since they eat too much there. As a result, obesity is the second cause cause of death in this country.

But fast food restaurants are inexpensive, that's why they're sometimes useful. If I don't have much money then I prefer to eat at a fast food restaurant. But I must be alone because when we are many, it is much more expensive!

Est-ce mieux ? En tout cas merci énormément, l'anglais n'a jamais été mon fort malheureusement...

Modifié par osef le 20-09-2012 21:56

Modifié par osef le 20-09-2012 21:57

Réponse: Forme passive/aide de alienor64, postée le 20-09-2012 à 22:40:19 (S | E)
Bonsoir Osef

" I like sometimes to go ....." ( l'adverbe est mal placé .Dans le cas d'une proposition affirmative , comme ici , il se place avant le verbe . Exception : si dans une phrase il y a le verbe " be " conjugué , l'adverbe se place alors après ce verbe )
Bonne soirée

Modifié par alienor64 le 20-09-2012 22:40

Réponse: Forme passive/aide de osef, postée le 20-09-2012 à 22:41:51 (S | E)
Ah ok merci ! Je corrige ! Merci beaucoup.

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-09-2012 22:52


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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