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Message de polo45130 posté le 16-12-2012 à 21:44:50 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,

voici mes répliques pour un jeu de rôle. Pourriez-vous m'aider sur les fautes et les tournures de phrases?
merci d'avance

Hello everybody,
• Paul: I’m a Purchasing Manager .I’m 45 years old. It’s 15 years in the area of purchasing. As we can see in the monthly accounts , this is not my area which is directly affected. It's also the same in the other subsidiaries in Great Britain, Germany and Spain. It is the cost of Labor that has exploded these recent years.

• Be aware that the main problem is to save our work, and that relocate is not a really a solution.

• Yes labor is really cheaper because you have the proximity to other countries. The main problem is that the company is just at the level of production, most of our sectors outsourced in France must also be relocated and this is not easy because of the various problems of Assembly.

• It does not matter should relocate in a year approximately.

• I started my career as a worker at the age of 14 .I assemblais engine parts. Then I was a technician for the control of Carburetors for 10 years. Over the years, I gained in experience and maturity. The company made me trust and gave me more responsibility. And 5 years ago I was promoted as a purchasing manager. So let me doubt that in 3 months time within the company you are not going to find a miraculous solution. You do not have enough experience. You just come like a flower and you require us silly ideas that will not work.

• It is important to keep areas of the plant in France, such as for example the research and Development Department. I think that our French researchers have a greater level of study than Croatian researchers .And additionally how to trust a country that doesn't have its own car brand.

• I agree with Ryan. But in addition to outsource Sales and assembly sectors, could also relocate the Manufacturing sector. The work force in Croatia is much cheaper than in France. And should also deal with local suppliers, so that the parts are provided at best.

• It would take at least 2 weeks to make the transfer of raw materials, then it should be two more weeks for the Assembly sector and 2 weeks also to set up the good running of the business. The transfer will be done in 6 weeks time for approximately thousand vehicles that will be produced. This remains realistic compared to what is happening in France.

• Our ideas seem to be so revolutionary that we do not find anything new and finally we are advanced by our competitors. So we must move in order to obtain a labour cheaper and therefore not to go bankrupt.

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-12-2012 23:49


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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