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Message de maxwell posté le 06-01-2013 à 17:00:34 (S | E | F)

Pourriez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît car plusieurs mots ou expressions m'ont échappé dans cette vidéo (notamment ceux figurant entre parenthèses en magenta) : Lien internet

Merci à tous !

We have seen a number of faces that are (out??) of the unknown near the top of the leaderboard.

This is maybe the biggest surprise of the event : Vanessa Gusmeroli of France, in second place after the short program, she can control her own destiny : remember, if you're in the top 3 heading in the free skate and you win that portion of the event, you are the overall winner.
She's skating to the music : "Great Circus Orchestra". There's a lot of character in this choreography and a lot of moves that are referring to the circus. Very entertaining number. Opening with a triple flip, but two-footed the landing.
She may gain some strength from this crowd. Now, remember, we're not far from the French border and there are a lot of French friends here (near the ice arena?????).
Oh nice triple lutz, good spring ! 
Remember, the other top skaters still to come : Tara Lipinski, the leader after the short program will skate next. Michelle Kwan in fourth place, has yet to skate. She follows Maria Butyrskaya who is currently in third place. And Irina Slutskaya, the European champion, she will skate last. 
And that was intended to be a triple loop but she doubled that.
(2:15) Now, one of the things that makes her jumps so well is that quick tight spin, the ability to spin in the air, quickly, tightly, completely. Without it, it's disaster.

Vanessa Gusmeroli has never been in this situation before at a world championship. At the European championship this year, (lucky almost on????) a tremendous short program but fell from third to sixth after her free skate. She choked.  Another way to put it. She's not choking today.
That was a very neat clean jump ! Did you see how tight the revolution was in the air ?
It's a very clever number, lot of animated moves. Here, she's playing the characters  of (Joseph???) the clown in the circus 
She works with the choreographer Allen Schramm who is a very talented skater from the United States. Second generation : the athletical skaters. He's worked with so many of the French here. He gives them their extra special flair.
Nice triple salchow she's just completed. Combination of moves, triple loop, double, something rather. 
What a nice sort of (day view ????)  for this young lady.
She doesn't look really happy though right now, I think she thinks an opportunity has gone by the wayside. Vanessa Gusmeroli, of France. And coming up next , Tara Lipinski tries to become the youngest ladies champion in the world championship history.
Actually, I think she did quite well and she should be very proud of herself.
Now, let's see the judges. Allen Schramm on her left. Technical merit marks : those are the best that we've seen so far. 
( these notes ????.) are quite commendable. And the presentation marks. And that makes Vanessa Gusmeroli the leader when you talk about those that have already skated in the free skate.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-01-2013 18:02

Réponse: Video / help de gerondif, postée le 06-01-2013 à 17:54:33 (S | E)
sans garantie (French native) mais par curiosité, je vous en ai trouvé quelques uns

We have seen a number of faces that are (out??) of the unknown near the top of the leaderboard.

This is maybe the biggest surprise of the event : Vanessa Gusmeroli of France, in second place after the short program, she can control her own destiny : remember, if you're in the top 3 heading into the free skate and you win that portion of the event, you are the overall winner.
She's skating to the music : "Great Circus Orchestra". There's a lot of character in this choreography and a lot of moves that are referring to the circus. Very entertaining number. Opening with a triple flip, but two-footed the landing.
She may gain some strength from this crowd. Now, remember, we're not far from the French border and there are a lot of French friends here ........... ice center.
Oh nice triple lutz, good spring !
Remember, the other top skaters still to come : Tara Lipinski, the leader after the short program will skate next. Michelle Kwan in fourth place, has yet to skate. She follows Maria Butyrskaya who is currently in third place. And Irina Slutskaya, the European champion, she will skate last.
And that was intended to be a triple loop but she doubled that.
(2:15) Now, one of the things that makes her jumps so well is that quick tight spin, the ability to spin in the air, quickly, tightly, completely. Without it, it's disaster.

Vanessa Gusmeroli has never been in this situation before at a world championship. At the European championship this year, (like here in Lausanne she had a) a tremendous short program but fell from third to sixth after her free skate. She choked. Another way to put it. She's not choking today.
That was a very neat clean jump ! Did you see how tight the revolution was in the air ?
It's a very clever number, lot of animated moves. Here, she's playing the characters of (I would think) the clown in the circus
She works with the choreographer Allen Schramm who is a very talented skater from the United States. Second generation the athletical (theatrical)skaters. He's worked with so many of the French here. He gives them their extra special flair/ flare??.
Nice triple salchow she's just completed. Combination of moves, triple loop, double, something rather.
What a nice sort of (début) for this young lady.
She doesn't look real(ly) happy though right now, I think she thinks an opportunity has gone by the wayside. Vanessa Gusmeroli, of France. And coming up next , Tara Lipinski tries to become the youngest ladies champion in the world championship history.
Actually, I think she did quite well and she should be very proud of herself.
Now, let's see (what)the judges(j'entends what mais je ne vois pas venir le verbe say qui aurait dû finir la phrase). Allen Schramm on her left. Technical merit marks : those are the best that we've seen so far.
( See, those) are quite commendable. And the presentation marks. And that makes Vanessa Gusmeroli the leader when you talk about those that have already skated in the free skate.

Réponse: Video / help de notrepere, postée le 06-01-2013 à 18:28:47 (S | E)

Building on gerondif's correction, here are some things that still needed to be corrected:

We have seen a number of faces that are relatively unknown
Here, she's playing the character of (obviously) the clown...
He gives them their extra special flair
Combination of moves, triple loop, double something or other (which means double "we don't know what that was")

Modifié par notrepere le 06-01-2013 18:30

Réponse: Video / help de maxwell, postée le 06-01-2013 à 18:42:49 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup à tous les deux !
Il ne me manque plus que le mot entre "French friends here" et "ice center"

Réponse: Video / help de gerondif, postée le 06-01-2013 à 18:53:16 (S | E)
J'entends "from L A ice center "mais pour moi L.A. c'est Los Angeles, pas Lausanne, ou alors c'est le nom propre de la patinoire prononcé à l'anglaise ......
ah, j'ai trouvé "the Malley ice center" en tapant patinoire de Lausanne sous Google....pour peu qu'il le prononce comme "Mell Hey".........

Réponse: Video / help de notrepere, postée le 06-01-2013 à 19:26:07 (S | E)

Yes, he did say "L A", and the event was held in Lausanne. There were a few other words missing, but the general idea was there.

Modifié par notrepere le 06-01-2013 19:26

Réponse: Video / help de maxwell, postée le 06-01-2013 à 20:07:32 (S | E)
Super !


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