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Help/John Smith

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Help/John Smith
Message de majicb75 posté le 22-01-2013 à 03:33:41 (S | E | F)

Could you help me please?

I am still practicing for my English test and I need your help improving my writing. Here’s an example of a report that I have to write for the test.

The case of John Smith has been reported to the Director of Youth Protection following reports of emotional rejection from his mother. It’s been reported to us that his mother has difficulties displaying positive emotion toward him. She often yells at him, criticizes him and puts him down. She can sometimes lock him in a room for long period of time. She can be verbally abusive toward him.

John is a 6 year old boy. His mother is from Ukraine and move to the United States when she was 18. She met with John’s father when she was 19 and they got married. They divorced when John was 2. Since then, he’s been living with his mother. She has 2 other children from a previous relationship.
John is attending elementary school since September, he didn’t went to kindergarten. He suffers from developmental delays like speech and motor skills. He doesn’t speak English but understand it. He is a boy who display aggressive behavior toward his classmates. He bites, hits and throws tantrums when he doesn’t get what he wants. His mother thinks that he is incapable of modifying his behaviors and asks for him to be removed from her house. He is now in foster care.

The mother is unemployed and displays some borderline personality traits. She doesn’t have an official diagnosis. We are waiting for her psychological evaluation. She feels overwhelmed by the situation and doesn’t think that she can take care of her son.

For our assessment, we interviewed the mother and John’s teacher. His mother thinks that she needs time and has to seek help for herself before she can care for her son. The teacher thinks that John needs to receive positive reinforcements and can be manage when he’s in a secure environment.

Our assessment of the situation is that John needs to remain in foster care. His mother needs to take care of herself before being able to care for him. John needs to feel safe and to receive positive reinforcements to help him build his self-esteem. Therefore, we can state that his development is compromised.

We recommend that John remains in foster care and that his situation is reassessed every 6 months
We recommend that his mother seeks professional help
We recommend a social follow-up of one year
We recommend the involvement of a Youth Director delegate

Thank you for your answers.

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-01-2013 07:44

Réponse: Help/John Smith de notrepere, postée le 22-01-2013 à 03:55:06 (S | E)
Hello again

The case of John Smith has been reported to the Director of Youth Protection following reports of emotional rejection from his mother. It’s been reported to us that his mother has difficulties displaying positive emotion(plural) toward him. She often yells at him, criticizes him and puts him down. She can (inutile) sometimes locks him in a room for long period(plural) of time. She can be verbally abusive toward him.

John is a 6 year old boy. His mother is from Ukraine and move(temps) to the United States when she was 18. She met with (met et met with ont des sens différents) John’s father when she was 19 and they got married. They divorced when John was 2. Since then, he’s been living with his mother. She has 2 other children from a previous relationship.
John is attending elementary school since(since demande un autre temps) September, he didn’t went to kindergarten. He suffers from developmental delays like speech and motor skills. He doesn’t speak English but understand(accorde 3ème personne) it. He is a boy who display(idem) aggressive behavior toward his classmates. He bites, hits and throws tantrums when he doesn’t get what he wants. His mother thinks that he is incapable of modifying his behaviors and asks for him (that he) to be removed from her house. He is now in foster care.

The mother is unemployed and displays some borderline personality traits. She doesn’t have an official diagnosis. We are waiting for her psychological evaluation. She feels overwhelmed by the situation and doesn’t think that she can take care of her son.

For our assessment, we interviewed the mother and John’s teacher. His mother thinks that she needs time and has to seek help for herself before she can care for her son. The teacher thinks that John needs to receive positive reinforcements and can be manage(temps) when he’s in a secure environment.

Our assessment of the situation is that John needs to remain in foster care. His mother needs to take care of herself before being able to care for him. John needs to feel safe and to receive positive reinforcements to help him build his self-esteem. Therefore, we can state that his development is compromised.

We recommend that John remains(subjunctive) in foster care and that his situation is(subjunctive) reassessed every 6 months
We recommend that his mother seeks professional help
We recommend a social [mot manquant ?>]follow-up of(mauvaise préposition) one year
We recommend the involvement of a Youth Director delegate


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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