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Sentenced to shame/aide

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Sentenced to shame/aide
Message de desdehace posté le 18-02-2013 à 19:50:16 (S | E | F)
Une petite écriture d'invention...
Pourriez-vous corriger, s'il vous plait, mes fautes ?
Je vous remercie d'avance.

Letters to the editors.
I was sentenced to shame.
I read your article about being sentenced to shame. I went through all of this. Please, let me tell you my story, an share my viewpoint concerning this procedure.

Few months ago, I went to the cinema with a friend. We had a nice time. Then, my friend said 'what about watching an other movie without paying...'. I didn't want to, but I was scared that he could think I was a coward. Finally, we sneaked in and I got caught. Indeed, my friend managed to run away. As far as I remember, I felt shocked and ashamed. My parents were mad at me and the cinema filed a complaint. I didn't realize how serious was what I did. Anyway, I had to be responsible. I pleaded guilty. The judge decided there was little to gain by sending me to jail.
I was currently sentenced to public shaming. I already was ashamed of myself, but at least I avoided prison. At first, I was indeed relieved, I didn't have to miss school, my criminal record would remain empty. Therefore, I could apply to the universities I desired : no prejudice was done regarding my academics. Anyway, every week-end, I had to be at the front of the cinema and wear a sing saying “Can't go to the cinema anymore. Sneaked in once.” People gazed at me, threw me pop-corns, made fun of me. It was very disturbing. I thought I'd rather suffer an imprisonment than this moral condemnation. I was deeply shocked about what happened to me. It was just a youthful indiscretion, nothing really serious... You know, when I heard that a man who has beaten up his wife was also sentenced to shame, I found it quite unfair, don't you ?

Modifié par desdehace le 18-02-2013 19:51

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-02-2013 21:35

Réponse: Sentenced to shame/aide de notrepere, postée le 18-02-2013 à 20:07:21 (S | E)

A few months ago, I went to the cinema with a friend. We had a nice time. Then, my friend said "What about watching another movie without paying?"... I didn't want to, but I was scared that he could think I was a coward. Finally, we sneaked in and I got caught. Indeed, my friend managed to run away. As far as I remember, I felt shocked and ashamed. My parents were mad at me and the cinema filed a complaint. I didn't realize how serious was (mal placé) what I did. Anyway, I had to be responsible. I pleaded guilty. The judge decided there was little to gain by sending me to jail.
I was currently sentenced to public shaming. I already was ashamed of myself, but at least I avoided prison. At first, I was indeed relieved, I didn't have to miss school, my criminal record would remain empty. Therefore, I could apply to the universities I desired : no prejudice was done regarding my academics. Anyway, every week-end, I had to be at the front of the cinema and wear a sing saying “Can't go to the cinema anymore. Sneaked in once.” People gazed at me, threw popcorn at me, made fun of me. It was very disturbing. I thought I'd rather suffer an imprisonment than this moral condemnation. I was deeply shocked about what happened to me. It was just a youthful indiscretion, nothing really serious... You know, when I heard that a man who had beaten up his wife was also sentenced to shame, I found it quite unfair, don't you?

Réponse: Sentenced to shame/aide de desdehace, postée le 18-02-2013 à 21:59:46 (S | E)
Thanks a lot.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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