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Synthèse /Correction

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Synthèse /Correction
Message de ben9593 posté le 10-04-2013 à 11:54:13 (S | E | F)

J'ai une synthèse à faire en anglais, est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait me corriger s'il vous plaît ? Il y a des structures et des mots de vocabulaire sur lesquels je doute.
Merci d'avance, je vous en serais très reconnaissant.

Voici ma synthèse:

First of all, I passed my A-levels in Economics with distinction and European section distinction, with varial English options. My interest for languages was already there during my secondary education. So it was natural for me to continue my studies in this/that branch.
At the high school, I used to liking economy, that is why I chosed to integrate a 3-years degree in modern languages, a general and professional 3-years degree. By joining this branch, I expected to deepen my two tongues, but also to acquire some knowledge in law and economy. To study modern languages allows me to obtain a 3-year degree which remains rather general, and which would allow me to try the competitions of primary school teachers. Indeed, this choice follows the logic of my professional project because I wish to be primary school teacher. For that I have to obtain a my 3-years degree in modern languages in order to be able to start a 5-years degree in education for teaching. Modern languages are particularly interesting for me because first of all as I have already said, it allows me to acquire notions of law and economy, some knowledge on the various civilisations, but also to become bilingual into two foreign languages. It°s something very useful nowadays, because in the world of work is from now international. In my precise case, this sector brings me an English language ability, a thing which is from now on compulsory in the cursus of primary school teachers. Indeed, teachers are now compelled to be able to teach English right from first classes. To be able to aspire to this post, it is thus necessary to have a perfect English, to be able to teach the bases of this language to the youngest. Furthermore it also allows to acquire a certain work experience thanks to the internship organised during the 3rd year, during the semester 6. Indeed, the students have to go abroad for an 2-months internship in a company. This internship allows to acquire a work experience but also to improve our English, and how we speak, thanks to the current life, and meetings that we can make on the spot. To my mind, modern languages turn out to be a a complete degree, but it is lacking of oral expression. In fact, I find that oral language is put aside. I find particularly oral expression very important. We do not often have the opportunity to practice orally our languages which we study. I think that it is one of the negative points of our degree, because beyond this problem, it°s very itself very complete.

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-04-2013 21:23

Réponse: Synthèse /Correction de ben9593, postée le 10-04-2013 à 21:20:09 (S | E)
Personne pour m'aider ? J'ai vraiment besoin de votre aide, et je vous en serais très reconnaissant.
Merci d'avance,

Réponse: Synthèse /Correction de notrepere, postée le 10-04-2013 à 23:09:28 (S | E)

Est-ce pour demain ? Je refuse si c'est pour demain.

Réponse: Synthèse /Correction de ben9593, postée le 10-04-2013 à 23:57:12 (S | E)
C'est pour demain.. :-(

Réponse: Synthèse /Correction de sherry48, postée le 11-04-2013 à 00:23:14 (S | E)
Tomorrow! OK, that's only enough time to point out a few things for you to take a look at. It will be up to you to figure out what the problem is.

First of all, I passed my A-levels in Economics with distinction and European section distinction, with varial English options. My interest for languages was already there during my secondary education. So it was natural for me to continue my studies in this/that branch.
At the high school, I used to liking economy, that is why I chosed to integrate a 3-years degree in modern languages, a general and professional 3-years degree. By joining this branch, I expected to deepen my two tongues, but also to acquire some knowledge in law and economy. To study modern languages allows me to obtain a 3-year degree which remains rather general, and which would allow me to try the competitions of primary school teachers. Indeed, this choice follows the logic of my professional project because I wish to be __ primary school teacher. For that I have to obtain a my 3-years degree in modern languages in order to be able to start a 5-years degree in education for teaching. (Very long sentence). Modern languages are particularly interesting for me because first of all as I have already said, it allows me to acquire notions of law and economy, some knowledge on the various civilisations, but also to become bilingual into two foreign languages. It°s (something) very useful nowadays, because in the world of work is from now international. In my precise case, this sector brings me an English language ability, a thing which is from now on compulsory in the cursus of primary school teachers. Indeed, teachers are now compelled to be able to teach English right from first classes. To be able to aspire to this post, it is thus necessary to have a perfect English, to be able to teach the bases of this language to the youngest ___. Furthermore it also allows __ to acquire a certain work experience thanks to the internship organised during the 3rd year, during the semester 6. Indeed, (the) students have to go abroad for an 2-months internship in a company. This internship allows __ to acquire a work experience but also to improve our English, and how we speak, thanks to the current life, and meetings that we can make on the spot. (Long sentences may not be clear).To my mind, modern languages turn out to be a a complete degree, but it is lacking of oral expression. In fact, I find that oral language is put aside. I find particularly oral expression very important. We do not often have the opportunity to practice orally our languages which we study. I think that it is one of the negative points of our degree, because beyond this problem, it°s very itself very complete.



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