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Correction /Myth

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction /Myth
Message de inestkt posté le 03-05-2013 à 22:56:24 (S | E | F)
Bonjour ,
je passe le bac dans quelques jours et je voudrais savoir si ces phrases sont justes s'il vous plait.
Merci pour vos réponses.

For me, a myth is a story that gives and explains the origin and meaning of a human adventure. A myth has identity values ​​of the community and provides collective landmarks emblematic. The hero evokes a charismatic figure who embodies values ​​that can be recognized and identify by the community .
I love this part because the film Invetus I loved, I also enjoyed discovering this mythical character and understand her struggle through the various document that's why I find this part interresante and .It cannot be denied that nelson mandela is a myth.
I must admit that I do not find this very interesting because Steve Jobs is not a character that fascinates me I have the feeling thatthat only his success and the fact that is revolutioned the tecnology that makes him a hero modern but to my mind it's not just that a hero.
To conclude, history was marked by people who defended the populations. Today they are considered as a hero by all people. But everyone can be the hero of someone. A hero can be an ordinary person like me or you.The myth or the hero is the bearer of a cultural identity in which the nation can be recognized they transmits messages and values ​​through social boundaries, geographical and cultural.

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-05-2013 08:04

Réponse: Correction /Myth de notrepere, postée le 04-05-2013 à 03:46:05 (S | E)

For me, a myth is a story that gives and explains the origin and meaning of a human adventure. A myth has identity values ​​of the community and provides collective landmarks emblematic(mal placé). The hero evokes a charismatic figure who embodies values ​​that can be recognized and identify(accorde values) by the community .
I love this part because the film Invetus(This isn't the name of the movie, is it?) I loved, I also enjoyed discovering this mythical character and understanding her struggle through the various document that's why I find this part interresante and . It cannot be denied that nelson mandela is a myth. (Vraiment? Il n'existe pas?)
I must admit that I do not find this very interesting because Steve Jobs is not a character that fascinates me. I have the feeling thatthat only his success and the fact that is revolutioned the tecnology that makes him a hero modern (ordre) but to my mind it's not just that a hero.
To conclude, history was marked by people who defended the populations. Today they are considered as a hero by all people. But everyone can be the hero of someone. A hero can be an ordinary person like me or you.The myth or the hero is the bearer of a cultural identity in which the nation can be recognized. They transmits messages and values ​​through social boundaries, geographical and cultural (adjectifs se place avant le nom).


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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