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Oral Progrès /Correction

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral Progrès /Correction
Message de izix posté le 06-11-2013 à 11:54:27 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
en prévision du Bac, je dois commencer mes PPC et la 1ère est basée sur la notion de progrès, je dois tenir 3 minutes. Si vous pouviez m'indiquer mes erreurs et m'aider à les corriger, merci !

Every century is affected by the progress like the invention of the wheel or of the electricity. In 21th century, the progress is always present. I want to speak in particular about the progress of the genetics. This new medicine brings lots of beautiful perspectives. Can we brave a new world ?

Nothing is sure. Of course, the genetics offers a lot of advantages, like the case of Molly Nash, a teenager who was born with a rare illness. She was destined to die before the age of 7 but she was curred thanks to a bone marrow transplant from her brother. His brother can be qualified as medicine baby because he was selected as an embryo in a fertility lab for birth because his immune system was ideal for a transplant and so to save her sister. This story shows the good side of this progress, we can cure severe diseases or improve life expectancy.

This progress also entailed the fact of the parents be able to choose the characteristics of there newborn. On the one hand this progress is very good for someone who can have the baby of their wishes, so simply as a order in a fast food, it will be enough to choose the color of eyes, the size, the gender... It is also necessary to specify that severe diseases can be detected in advance and so be cured before the birth. And on the other hand the diversity would not be respected, everybody would be similar, and the different persons would be rejected as shows a caricature in factory producing human. There are perfect men on a covoyer belt, and all different men, like the size or the musculature, are dropped into a huge dumpster.

To conclude, the progress of the genetics is very important and could save several lives. However, this progress open the door to have designer baby and this fact jeopardize diversity and can set up a selection of the species, a race superior which would reject the other persons. The ethics becomes a really important question which must be seriously studied by the government and scientists.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-11-2013 13:08


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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