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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de soso83 posté le 05-12-2013 à 18:11:59 (S | E | F)
je dois écrire une histoire a partir de ces questions.
J’aimerais que quelqu'un me corrige car je ne me débrouille pas bien en anglais.
Merci pour vos réponses.

Why did you leave England?
Did all of your family go on the Mayflower?
Did all of yout family survive?
What was it like living on a ship? How long did the trip take?
What was it like when you first walked on land in the new world?
Did you make frineds with any of the Indians?
How did you survive the first winter ?
What was the first Thanksgiving like, and what did you eat?

In my family we are puritains and we wanted give back the Putity of the Church.We were pesecuted and we had to hide for pratice our religion.
Because we were persecuted ,we had to emigred to the new world to be free and build a new home in a new country, where we could freely practice our faith and we lured by ,the promise of properity and land ower ship in the new world.
Like we were enough rich my parents enter into an arrangement(se sont arrangé ils ont passer un accord)with the capitain Christopher Jones .My family would work for the capitain of the ship severals month years without salary and they would send a part of them harvest , the food and the precious for to thecapitain. In the ship, we should limited our cases we had the right to a box, and some cooking ustensils, few tools and a craddle for the peaple who have a Baby and of course a Bible.
Almost all my family embarked in the ship in 1620, we were very happy and very exited because now we could partice our religion without persecuted we were 102 passsengers with 31 children and few dogs. The traversed was very hard because we didn't have some rest and privacy we were crowded in the ship and there were a big cargo whose decreases space yet. We haven't got many food there were the famine. If the sea was calm , we could cook our meal turns (à tours de rôle)leur repas sur de petits braseros installed in the deck, in box filled of sand for receive embers.
In the other hand ( en revanche) , when the sea is very rough , all kitchen is prohibited.During the traversed a baby boy was born but he was dead not for a long time after his birth .The night in big weather, we installed in the lower deck it is very humide and dark.With eight meters for the long on five meters of larger with a height who not allows (permettre) for a human being to stand up in the middle with ballots of clothes and ustencil for cooking , gun , tools and lots of peaple have seasick and vomit and peaple was ill.Lots of are death unfortunately on five menber family three were dead my grand mother was dead two month after be go in the Mayflower and my grand father. They were dead beacause the famine .And my aunt was dead because she was ill.
After seven among eight months the traverdced was over . When my parents and my mother walked first in the new world? We feel free and independant the paysage OF the new world was different of the pasages of england . After debarqued we feel at home , we contruised a Pilgrim's village.
During the first winter brutal , the most of passenger was staying on bord in the Mayflower .But me and my parents went in out and do long walks , it was very enjoy even if it was too cold. My mother was ill she didn't suvecu to the scurvy and outbreak of diseases ( la flanbée des maladies) contagions.Only the half of the passenger have suvecued the brutal winter.
During my father and me look for wood to make a fire, We met an Indian named Abénasis who welcomed us in the New world he suprising and very interessant man he bought some food..
Few days later then everybody was in the ship Abénisis and an other Indian ,Squanto he speaks english well menbers of the tribe Pawtuxet who was kidnaped by a capitain in the English marine and somld in slave after to escape to London and come back to his country for an expedition explorer.
Squanto was real friend he showed and learn cultived the corn ,extract the sap, caught fish in the rivers and avoid the toxik plants.In the autonme the recolt were expeptional they could eat for all the winter.
For thank God and the Indiant for them help we partaged a part of the recolt with the Indiants .We ate a turkey , mashed potatoes , cramberry sauce pumking pie and fruits .

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-12-2013 00:12


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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