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Correction / Théâtre

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction / Théâtre
Message de jadee55 posté le 03-01-2014 à 19:49:39 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous !
Afin de lutter contre le gaspillage alimentaire, je dois faire une petite scènette de théâtre pour réduire la nourriture !
Pourriez-vous m'aider à corriger s'il vous plait ?
Merci beaucoup !

Personnage1 : Haa, it was a good shopping
Personnage 2 : I find many things
Personnage 3 : Yes, me too!There are many vouchers
1: Yes !
(A trois) : Oh my god !
1 : Do you think that the food is still good ?
2: I don’t know but why this girl threw so much food in this bin
3 : She should keep the food if it’s good
1 : -She think not at all poor people
3 : It’s really bad because many people die of stravation
Elles se dirigent vers ta soeur et disent:
3: It’s a crying shame
2 : You should’nt thew this food !
4 : Yeah but I have too much food !
1 : You should be more organised
3 : Creates a budget for food
2 : Or a list
1: Stop shopping too much food our need
3 : see what’s in the fridge before shopping
2 : Feed your pets with left overs
1: don’t have eyes bigger than your stomach
3 : There are so much things for reduce the waste
1: I have a good idea! There are so much people who die off starvation ! We must give this food to The restau of heart
1-2 : Yes do you agry
4 : Yes ! Thank you for your help !
1 : go to the restau of heart.
4 : Yes !

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-01-2014 16:22

Réponse: Correction / Théâtre de carr30, postée le 04-01-2014 à 15:32:14 (S | E)

There is some good advice in your scene. Well done.
Throw and throw away have different meanings.
Lien internet

Use 'much' for things you cannot count e.g. much food, much water etc
Use 'many' for things you can count e.g. many people, many ways etc
Personnage = Character

Personnage1 : Haa, it was a good shopping trip 'a shopping.' does not exist
Personnage 2 : I find many things You need the simple past of find - attention 'find' is irregular!
Personnage 3 : Yes, me too!There are many vouchers
1: Yes !
(A trois) : Oh my god !
1 : Do you think that the food is still good ?
2: I don’t know but why this girl threw so much food in this bin
3 : She should keep the food if it’s good
1 : -She thinks not at all about poor people (She does not think about... )
3 : It’s really bad because many people die of stravation ..spelling!

Elles se dirigent vers ta soeur et disent: se diriger = go over

3: It’s a crying shame
2 : You should’nt thew this food ! Shouldn't throw away..
4 : Yeah but I have too much food !
1 : You should be more organised
3 : Creates a budget for food
2 : Or a list
1: Stop shopping too much food our need for more food than we need
3 : see what’s in the fridge before shopping
2 : Feed your pets with left overs
1: don’t have eyes bigger than your stomach
3 : There are so much things for many ways to reduce the waste
1: I have a good idea! There are so much..revise 'much' and 'many' people who die off starvation ! We must give this food to The restau of heart The Resto du Coeur is a 'food bank' in the UK and the US
1-2 : Yes do you agry ..spelling!
4 : Yes ! Thank you for your help !
1 : go to the restau of heart.
4 : Yes !

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-01-2014 16:23

Réponse: Correction / Théâtre de carr30, postée le 04-01-2014 à 19:00:11 (S | E)
Hello xxx

With respect, your 'corrections' have many more faults than the original. Send me a message if you need some help.

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-01-2014 21:16
That's very kind of you but such a correction can't be kept on the forum,so it was deleted.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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