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Gaspillage alimentaire/correction

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Gaspillage alimentaire/correction
Message de pab11 posté le 05-01-2014 à 14:20:33 (S | E | F)
Salut tout le monde,
je viens de traduire un exposé que j'ai fait et votre aide me serait très utile;
Je vous remercie d'avance.

Search in English on the food waste :
My presentation on the link between food waste in some countries and people starving in other countries will have three parts : an introduction, development and conclusion.

Worldwide, there are many inequalities one of which is particularly shocking. Indeed, in some countries , especially in rich countries , a lot of food is wasted while in other countries , poorer people do not have much to eat and starves .
Based on this observation , one might wonder if we could not solve this global problem ?

Food waste in rich countries , is the fact throw or delete still edible food. Food waste occurs throughout the supply chain , from the stage of agricultural production to that of consumption , through storage, processing, distribution and management. The phenomenon is estimated by the FAO ( the UN Food and Agriculture) to about 1.3 billion tons of food per year , a third of food produced for human consumption lost or wasted . This is a problem of environmental, economic and social society. The stakes of the struggle against this waste are not only reducing the environmental impact of food, but in particular the fight against hunger in the world.
Indeed, in many poor countries, people have no or little food .
Undernourishment (or undernutrition ) is a state of severe shortage of food characterized by inadequate food intake to meet daily of an individual and causing nutritional deficiencies energy expenditure. The state of undernourishment reached less than 1,200 kilocalories per person per day , the normal average of 1,600 ( child) to 2,900 kcal (teenager) and can cause death. In humans , prolonged undernutrition leads to irreversible organ damage and ultimately death.
According to the FAO , more than 25,000 people die every day from malnutrition and more than 800 million people are chronically undernourished. Most of these people are in developing countries .

Conclusion :
To conclude , we find that people are starving in the world while on the other hand we see the food waste . In development, we have seen that there is a lot of wasted food , we could say that instead of throwing it away , it could be redistributed to countries in need . But this assumption is almost utopian because many constraints arise when redistribute this food particularly financial and in transportation thereof .
Finally , we can see that it is hardly possible to solve this problem for now, but why not in the future?

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-01-2014 15:08

Réponse: Gaspillage alimentaire/correction de carr30, postée le 05-01-2014 à 15:42:48 (S | E)

Good effort on an important subject. The main problem is the sentence about calorie requirements. It needs to be made more simple. By the way, nobody needs 1600 kilo calories a day . That's enough food for nearly 3 years!



Worldwide, there are many inequalities one of which is particularly shocking. Indeed, in some countries , especially in rich countries , a lot of food is wasted while in other countries , poorer people do not have much to eat and starves .
Based on this observation , one might wonder if we could not solve this global problem ?


Food waste in rich countries , is the fact throw or delete... throwing away of/destruction of/waste of?? You cannot 'delete' food! still edible food. Food waste occurs throughout the supply chain , from the stage of agricultural production to that of consumption , through storage, processing, distribution and management. The phenomenon is estimated by the FAO ( the UN Food and Agriculture) to (verb missing) about 1.3 billion tons of food per year , a third of food produced for human consumption lost or wasted . This is a problem of environmental, economic and social society...factors? 'social society' doesn't sound right. The stakes ..interests or aims?of the struggle against this waste are not only reducing the environmental impact of food ..waste? production?, but in particular the fight against hunger in the world.

Indeed, in many poor countries, people have no or little food .
Undernourishment (or undernutrition ) is a state of severe shortage of food characterized by inadequate food intake to meet daily (noun missing) of an individual and causing nutritional deficiencies energy expenditure??. The state of undernourishment reaching ed less than 1,200 kilocalories per person per day , the normal average of 1,600 ( child) to or 2,900 kcal (teenager) and can cause death. (You need to review this sentence,it is not clear)

In humans , prolonged undernutrition leads to irreversible organ damage and ultimately death.
According to the FAO , more than 25,000 people die every day from malnutrition and more than 800 million people are chronically undernourished. Most of these people are in developing countries .

Conclusion :

To conclude , we find that people are starving in the world while on the other hand we see the food waste . In development, we have seen that there is a lot of wasted food , we could say that instead of throwing it away , it could be redistributed to countries in need . But this assumption is almost utopian because many constraints arise when (needs noun or pronoun here) redistribute this food particularly in financial and in transportation thereof ..terms?/requirements?.
Finally , we can see that it is hardly possible to solve this problem for now, but why not in the future?


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