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Message de vinnac59 posté le 30-01-2014 à 12:27:44 (S | E | F)

Pouvez-vous jeter un coup d'oeil à ma rédaction et éventuellement corriger mes fautes s'il vous plaît?
Merci pour vos réponses.


Mr. Mayor,
Please find attached the report that you asked me about the possible benefits or disadvantages of the use of products from organic agriculture for school canteens . According to my research, you will find that different opinions are divided on the issue.
Much research has been done on the subject, and unfortunately many factors play into disfavor the use of products from organic agriculture. You should know that there are no significant differences in the two agricultures , however, a few points should be raised.

Arguments in disfavour of organic agriculture :
First, you should know that the costs will be significant , and some arguments attempt to show that the money will be wasted . Indeed , it is estimated that organic products have a higher cost of 60% a product of ordinary agriculture.
I can therefore conclude that nothing says that the price difference is related to a better quality food .
Finally, there is no evidence that the small amount of pesticide is not harmful to the health of individuals .
Arguments in favor of organic farming : Some studies suggest that products from organic agriculture have positive effects on health.
For starters , these show that the nutritional intake of people not eating five fruits and vegetables per day is provided adequately by the biological products.
Then , on health, many antioxidants reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease .
In addition , organic farming has positive effects on nature itself. She would not use synthetic chemicals which would be much safer for animals. Thus, the feed given to animals gives them a healthy life.
Finally, methods and practices of organic farming are also beneficial for wildlife.

As for me, Mr. Mayor, I have no strong opinion on the response. I advise you to expect significant new studies before making a real decision.
Sincerely .

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-01-2014 21:28

Réponse: Aide/agriculture de gerondif, postée le 30-01-2014 à 18:40:20 (S | E)

Mr. Mayor,
Please find attached the report that you asked me about the possible benefits or disadvantages of the use of products from organic agriculture for(on) school canteens . According to my research, you will find that different opinions are divided on the issue.(comment une opinion peut-elle être divisée? les gens se divisent sur, leurs opinions divergent...)
Much (correct, mais "A lot of" serait moins pompeux) research has been done on the subject, and unfortunately many factors play into disfavor of the use of products from organic agriculture. You should know (peut sembler méprisant pour l'interlocuteur) that there are no significant differences in the two agricultures , however, a few points should be raised.

Arguments in disfavour of organic agriculture :
First, you should know that the costs will be significant , and some arguments attempt to show that the money will be wasted . Indeed , it is estimated that organic products have a higher cost of 60% compared to a product of(from) ordinary agriculture.
I can therefore conclude that nothing says that the price difference is related to a better quality food (à l'envers).
Finally, there is no evidence that the small amount of pesticide is not harmful to the health of individuals .
Arguments in favor of organic farming : Some studies suggest that products from organic agriculture have positive effects on health.
For starters (ne fait penser à un hors d'oeuvre au restaurant)(to begin with) , these show that the nutritional intake of people not eating five fruits and vegetables per day is provided adequately by the biological products.
Then , on health, many antioxidants reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease .
In addition , organic farming has positive effects on nature itself. She(Qui est ce she?) would not use synthetic chemicals which would be much safer for animals. Thus, the feed given to animals gives them a healthy life.
Finally, methods and practices of organic farming are also beneficial for wildlife.

As for me, Mr. Mayor, I have no strong opinion on the response(sens?). I advise you to expect(= s'attendre à ce que, mauvais choix de verbe attendre)) significant new studies before making a real decision.
Yours Sincerely .

Réponse: Aide/agriculture de vinnac59, postée le 31-01-2014 à 08:13:29 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour ton aide...

Modifié par lucile83 le 31-01-2014 09:07


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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