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Correction/texte pour oral

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/texte pour oral
Message de julien29 posté le 31-01-2014 à 11:38:31 (S | E | F)
je suis étudiant en licence technico-commerciale, je passe un oral lundi prochain 03/02/14 ;j'ai déjà rédigé tout ce que je vais dire à l'oral, je voudrais savoir ce que vous en pensez et ce que je dois améliorer. Voilà le texte, j'utiliserai un Power Point comme support de cet oral.
Je vous remercie d'avance de vos commentaires.

Hello julien.... i work in the world in insurance and banking. My company name is AXA. I am customer advisor in one AXA agency based in guingamp, so not too far this university.
In a first time today i will present you my company globally( his history, what are they groups activities, where are we located in a world.
Secondly i will talk about my agency based in paris, what are we doing, what we have some product for our customer and who are our competitor.
Finally i will show you few figure, turnover, market share.
axa is a french global investment, founded in 1916, it was called "the insurance against fire". in 1978 it acquired "parisienne company" and became United mutual so 100 years later..... ( I lie just a little bit, this history is huge, a lot of thin happened in 100 years but its not really exinting, i summarise and keep everythink i think its important for you to know about my company...). After that in 1996 United mutual bought UAP the biggest insurance company in france at this moment and became AXA.UAP for a while before reverting to the name AXA in 1999.
I am sure, you wish to know, why it call this company AXA? (yes..noo.)
AXA.UAP had some internatinalization project, so they want to choose an easy name to remember and prononcialble in all language. In a first time they choose ELAN. Howewer, in french language, the ELAN is a living animal in canada. Canadian themselves suggested to dont use that name because they find him ridiculous. Finally they choose the name AXA.
In 2000 AXA acquired 3 huge company
the guardian royal exchange based in England, asia, middle east, and two other company one in Shanghai in china and one in japan.
Actually AXA is represented Worldwide, present in 57 countries, 160000 employes, 102 millions customers, it is a leader on insurance, health insurance and asset management insurance.

Now i will present you, my agency based in paris, Who is working with me?, what are we doing?, what are our product for customer?, and Who are concurence?.
My agency based in guingamp its a new one, we move in this place in october last years , so 3 month ago. its just a front the big libary. This agency is dirige by mister romain , its my headmaster. also i have two colleague Valérie an Murielle , they are customer advisor like me but they get a biggest experience as me.
In this agency we have a lot of work to do. We have 3500 customer so we have to be organized. In this focus we have to divide the work by task.
My headmaster look after professional customer (farmer, builder, all company..) for exemple a company need to find a insurance for a factory, my headmaster deal with this company. Also he has to manage the staff and check book-keeping.
My colleague Murielle look after private individual, so everyone need to get a insurance car, house, or life insurance, health insurance, she will find for you...
Finally Valérie deal with professional and private individual, if they customers have a sinister, she manage the probleme in a focus to receive compensation for customer when its possible.
Teamwork is really important in this agency for become efficient and to provide our customers.
We have a lot of insurance product, because we wish to provide professional and private individual customers. We have life insurance health insurance and asset management inssurance.
We have a lot of concurents in a world of insurance and banking, you can see all of differents company (diapositive) also on the web, we can find a lot of company and comparator site where its possible to check all a price.. The conccurency is really hard, we have to be attractive for everyone and propose a lot of new product, new offer always.

Modifié par julien29 le 31-01-2014 11:41

Modifié par lucile83 le 31-01-2014 16:25


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