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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/exposé oral
Message de quoutchou posté le 28-03-2014 à 16:10:12 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
si quelqu'un avait un peu de temps libre à me consacrer j'en serais ravie..
J'ai un exposé d'anglais de 5min à faire.
Je suis très timide et je manque de confiance en moi pour cette matière.
J'ai beaucoup de mal à parler devant une classe sans feuille et sans paniquer.
J'ai donc choisi de faire des phrases pas trop compliquées.
Une petite correction ne serait pas de refus.. Merci d'avance!

Mon sujet porte sur la disparition des abeilles (à cause de l'Homme):
Colony Collapse Disorder:
I) Introduction
What is CCD?

The CCD shows the fact that honeybees don’t return to their hive and they "disappear" massively, we don't find bees's corpses. Disappearances are very disturbing: an entire colony can disappear in one night. But curiously, the queen seems to be full of beans and continues to spawn. The few remaining bees to the hive hunger and honey production decreases sharply.

II) The causes due to the human of this collapse

There are a lot of causes related to the collapse and the majority is due to the human. Pollution of ecosystems, the decrease in size of habitats, insecticides used for the GM crops and global warming also appear to contribute to the decline of bees.
The most important is the environmental degradation and the loss of biodiversity. This degradation is due to intensive agriculture which results to the lack of flowering plants. Then, chemicals products change their metabolism and reduce their ability. The loss of genetic diversity is also observed. And regrettably, the electromagnetic waves caused by mobiles phones can to disorient bees. So, they no longer find their way to the hive and die.

III) The consequences

Bees have a gigantic workforce, they pollinate about 80 percent flowering plants and they assure more than three quarters of the world's cultures, such as fruit crops, vegetables, fruit nuts, spices and stimulents. They ensure about 35 percent of world food production. To produce a kilo of honey, a colony traverses about 40 000 km!

The bees' disappearance would have a catastrophic impact on global agriculture: Like increase in food prices. The impact on biodiversity would also be catastrophic. In case of total loss of pollinators, world production would no longer suffice to meet the needs at current levels. It is conceivable that the snowball effect of the bees' disappearance on other species of plants and animals, causes the end of human. Einstein has predicted “If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live”.
IV) Conclusion

The world without bees:
Indeed: No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man, Because it’s impossible to reproduce their gigantic work.
And in future, remember to keep a few weeds in your garden, they love it!

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-03-2014 19:25


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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