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Bac/Mythes et héros

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Bac/Mythes et héros
Message de zoozimaths posté le 08-05-2014 à 15:38:10 (S | E | F)
je reviens 1 jour avant l'épreuve pour que vous me corrigiez un exposé nettement amélioré sur la notion Mythes et héros par rapport à la dernière fois.Si vous avez aussi des remarques n'hésitez surtout pas.
Merci pour votre aide!

I am going to talk about the notion "Myths and Heroes".First of all , I would like to give a définition of it.A myth can be defined as a story about gods and heroes , It can be a popular belief , a tradition or a false notion.A hero can be a mythological figure , a person who is admired for his or her archievement , a superhero , a rôle model or an icon.That's why I would like to illustrate this notion through the topic "The best job in the world".Indeed in the common expression the best job is a dream job , an ideal job which is nice to anyone but what is considered an ideal job for one person may not be to another.So we can ask this problematic "Dream job : Myth or reality ?".

To start , I would like to give a définition of a dream job.
The ideal job is usually the job that gives you the most satisfying expérience , which is the most interesting to a person.An ideal job would gives to the employee acceptable schedules , benefits and a decent salary.An ideal job would je a type of job where each person can grow up and preferably ne promoted.Finally the ideal job would be fulfilling to the person and make them happy in their work life.For exemple we studied in class an ad for "The best job in the world campaign of 2009".This job can be qualified as a dream job.Indeed in this job you could earn almost 20 000 euros per month just cleaning the pool and checking mails.Besides the job allowed to meet famous people and to travel everywhere in Australia.Moreover the working environnement looks like a paradise.However the contract lasted only 6 months.That's could say that dream job only exist as once-a-lifetime opportunity in the reality.

Nevertheless,There are many jobs which inspired dreams to people.Jobs that gives you the opportunity to save people , to protect them or to become famous.The kind of jobs that makes you like a hero.For example now many heroes are sportsman. These people are a source of inspiration for many children and persons.Many people would like to become like them.To illustrate that we studied an other document in class , an ad to recruit volunteer for the London 2012 Olympics games who should works as tickets inspectors and uniforms distributors.This volunteer recruitment campaign was a big success because It was the opportunity for people to meet their idols who représents their country who is a hero for them.

As a conclusion there are many sorts of jobs that we could considered as dream jobs.To my mind , dream jobs are jobs like firemen , doctors because they give their lives to save people while they dont know anything about them.They are heroes because they are brave and have great courage.But what we can say about those who do the worst jobs in the world? They are like heroes because they do things that nobody would do for exemple : grave diggers.They are necesary to the society.

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-05-2014 15:43

Réponse: Bac/Mythes et héros de zoozimaths, postée le 08-05-2014 à 17:26:58 (S | E)
Aidez moi s'il vous plait mon oral c'est demain!


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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