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Bac/Myths and heroes

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Bac/Myths and heroes
Message de justinesuz posté le 09-05-2014 à 14:31:28 (S | E | F)
Comme la majorité des posts du moment , je passe mon oral du Bac dans moins de deux semaines et je sollicite votre aide pour corriger mes fautes de langue s'il vous plaît.
Merci beaucoup

We will introduce the notion of myth and heroes with a question: What the public expects from a hero?
To answer we will initially define what is a hero, secondly we will speak about why we admire them and finally we will see fallen heroes.

I what is a hero?
There are several types of heroes:
Mystiques heroes:
− Like Ulysses in Greek mythology
− Or the legend of Robin Hood
They are fictional hero in legendary stories
Some, have fictional popularly hero:
− Sherlock Holmes in the literature
− Or Santa Claus who is a hero in the hearts of childrens
There are also historical heroes who have existed
− Is James Cook, a famous explorer?
− Like Mandela who fight for equality in South Africa.
Or popular heroes like Madonna, George Clooney or Lionel Messy who are famous for Beauty, Talent or sports act.
Contrary, there are also ordinary hero like fireman, policemen or courageous people who isn’t famous but who risk their lives for someone who need help.
But why we look up to heroes and not to ordinary heroes?

II Now, Why we look up to famous hero?
We can admire a hero because they entertains us
− Like Mickey who is funny,
− Or Titeuf who laughing about ordinary situation of our live and make these more fun.
We can admire a hero for what he symbolize
− For example, cartoons heroes symbolize also our youngness
− The Dalia Lama who represent a lifestyle
We can believe in them because they defend fair values, and act for:
− Or Martin Luther King who has made great act for the equality.
− And mother Theresa who has give her life to poorness.
We believe in them, we set them in example

III But nowadays we see more and more fallen heroes who ask also the question of why we believe in them?
We see many examples of fallen heroes in sports or politic man who disappointed us
They make the Headline
Like Tiger woods who been the greatest golfman, an example of calm, concentration and sportive spirit had cheated on his wife many times.
Or Lens Armstrong, who was an example of fight for life, against cancer, but who fall for drugs..
Or Amy Winehouse , a great singer who fallen in drugs. And who died.
In fact, we realize they are just like ordinary people; they are sometimes as stupid as anybody else.
However, we only know these peoples trough their images. But images do not reflect reality. They are only useful to make us buy products, and we must learn not trust them.

But we trust them again and again because we need believe in values, we need dream and we need marks in our society.

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-05-2014 17:48

Réponse: Bac/Myths and heroes de justinesuz, postée le 10-05-2014 à 21:22:38 (S | E)


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