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Correction/rapport stage

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Correction/rapport stage
Message de eaflip posté le 09-06-2014 à 11:49:08 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
je dois rendre un rapport de stage avec une introduction et une conclusion. Je n'ai pas un super niveau en anglais donc j'aimerais s'il vous plaît que vous regardiez et que vous m’aidiez à corriger les fautes du texte que j'ai écrit afin de ne pas rendre un rapport plein de fautes.
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses!

In the end of my 2-year university degree in GEII (Electrical Engineering Industrial Computing) I must make an internship during eleven weeks.
With this internship we can use the knowledge acquired during these two years and we discover the world of work.
I did my internship in the company XXX specialized in designing textile machine, fast connections and robots.
When I arrived the first day, I’ve been introduced to the staff of the research department. I also followed a lesson on safety and quality and then have a complete visit of the firm.
The subject of my internship was assigned at the textile research department, even if it concerns the quick connector, because in the quick connection research department there isn't any electronics technician.
About forty people works in this department, it is compose of two parts: an electronic part and a mechanic one. My internship was in the electronic part.

À la fin de mon dut geii nous devons faire un stage de 11 semaines. Ce stage nous permet de mettre en pratique nos connaissances acquises Durant ses deux ans et de découvrir le monde du travail.
J'ai fait mon stage dans l'entreprise XXX spécialisée dans la conception de machine textile, les connexions rapides et les robots.
Quand je suis arrive le premier jour, on m'a présenté tout le personnel du bureau d'études. J'ai ensuite suivi un cours de sécurité et de qualité et une visite complète de l'entreprise.
Le sujet de mon stage a été confié au bureau d'étude du textile, même si il concernait la partie raccord rapide parce que dans la partie raccord rapide il n'y a pas d'électronicien. J'ai donc fait mon stage dans le bureau d'étude du textile.

The subject of this report is a magnetic plate press. These plates are used to fix the mold to the press with a magnetic field. To create the magnetic field we use a controller, however if this controller has a failure we can't remove the mold. The purpose is to create a mobile system to demagnetize the plate if the controller had a problem.
The plate for the press is sold around the world, so the system has to work with all the voltage (180 to 480V) and all the frequency (50 or 60Hz).
First, we had created a prototype electronic board. This electronic board is equipped with a current sensor, a voltage sensor, a micro controller and to communicate with the user there are four LED, one button, and a three-position selector.
The selector three-positions is used to choose the type of plate.
Then, we created the program to the micro controller. From the type of plate the program calculates the amount of current to send and verify the success of the operation of the degaussing.
When the user push on the button, the micro controller send a series of thirty two pulses. Using the current sensor and the voltage sensor, the micro controller controlled the operation and turns on the LED.
This prototype is plugged into a power board to send demagnetization’s pulses on the plate.

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-06-2014 12:15


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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