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Correction/ remerciements

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ remerciements
Message de wsz posté le 21-11-2014 à 23:44:16 (S | E | F)
j'ai besoin de vous pour m'aider à corriger un paragraphe de remerciement et une intro, en espérant pouvoir trouver de l'aide. Je vous remercie par avance.

I would first like to thank Mrs (Madame ?) x we have to teach English. Frankly everything went well, very good teacher who made us want to be really active in class.
Thanks for always smiling and be in a good mood every day, it was a pleasure to come in English class in these conditions. This semester in English is held in a very good atmosphere.


This year we’ve been through an English module within the first semester of school. During this module, we studied to reach a general level in English.

The main goal of the English course is to prepare us for the second part of the B2 Level. Next year, our exam consists in a written comprehension based on three text. This years we will have to listen a video , to take notes and to make a well structured summary.

During courses, we train to take notes about presentations, videos, texts and organize them. It is always a difficult exercise to listen and write in the same time, even in french, that’s why we need a good method.
The second objective is to learn to give a good oral presentation. We have also many oral exercice in class. We worked on many important points as how catch attention,making good introduction and conclusion, eye contact. We have to give a final presentation on a training period we done.
I will present the work done to achieve my goals in this Netbook.

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-11-2014 08:14

Réponse: Correction/ remerciements de notrepere, postée le 22-11-2014 à 03:56:03 (S | E)

I would first like to thank Mrs (Madame ?) x for teaching us English. Frankly everything went well, she's a very good teacher who made us want to be really active in class.
Thanks for always smiling and being in a good mood every day, it was a pleasure to come to English class under these conditions. This semester in English is held in a very good atmosphere.


This year we went through an English module within the first semester of school. During this module, we studied in order to reach a general level in English.

The main goal of the English course is to prepare us for the second part of the B2 Level. Next year, our exam consists in a written comprehension based on three texts. This years we will have to listen to a video , to take notes and to make a well-structured summary.

During courses, we train to take notes about presentations, videos, texts and organize them. It is always a difficult exercise to listen and write at the same time, even in french, that’s why we need a good method.
The second objective is to learn to give a good oral presentation. We have also many oral exercises in class. We worked on many important points as to how to catch attention, making a good introduction and conclusion, eye contact. We have to give a final presentation on a training period we have done.
I will present the work done to achieve my goals in this Netbook.

Réponse: Correction/ remerciements de wsz, postée le 22-11-2014 à 14:23:14 (S | E)
Merci pour votre aide. Je prends note de vos corrections.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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