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Message de waze posté le 07-12-2014 à 10:51:18 (S | E | F)
mon professeur m'a demandé de faire un travail sur la communication de manière générale.
So now, can you tell me if my text is correct ?

With the development of communication, many people us their phones to sending messages and uses internet to sending message by email. But many of them, forget to respect the codes and values of traditional information channels’ wich could breaking the fundamental bonds of trust.
In most Western cultures, a written contract is better than an oral agreement because for example, the French considered that more reliable.
For Ingrid Bergsen, written communication is better because « Texts are fun and more direct ». Furthemore texts saves the monthly bill contrary to talk by phone.
Like Ingrid, Sanjay uses written communication by email to this colleagues to ask « who wants eating ? » because that’s more faster.
However, those new way of communication should be breaking the codes and values of traditional information channels’.


Modifié par lucile83 le 07-12-2014 11:53

Réponse: Aide/Communication de yaya18, postée le 07-12-2014 à 11:28:32 (S | E)
Hello waze,
Errors in blue.

With the development of communication, many people us their phones to sending messages and uses internet to sending message by email. But many of them, forget to respect the codes and values of traditional information channels’ wich could breaking the fundamental bonds of trust.
In most Western cultures, a written contract is better than an oral agreement because for example, the French considered that more reliable.
For Ingrid Bergsen, written communication is better because « Texts are fun and more direct ». Furthemore texts saves the monthly bill contrary to talk by phone.
Like Ingrid, Sanjay uses written communication by email to this colleagues to ask « who wants eating ? » because that’s more faster.
However, those new way (pluriels) of communication should be breaking the codes and values of traditional information channels’.

See you soon

Modifié par lucile83 le 07-12-2014 11:55

Réponse: Aide/Communication de waze, postée le 07-12-2014 à 12:28:51 (S | E)
Thank you so if I correct my mistakes : (blue errors)

With the development of communication, many people use their phones to send messages and use internet to send message by email. But many of them, forget to respect the codes and values of traditional information channels’ which could break the fundamental bonds of trust.
In most Western cultures, a written contract is better than an oral agreement because for example, the French considered that more reliable.
For Ingrid Bergsen, written communication is better because « Texts are fun and more direct ». Furthemore texts saves the monthly bill contrary to talk by phone.
Like Ingrid, Sanjay uses written communication by email to this colleagues to ask « who wants to eat ? » because that’s more faster.
However, those news ways of communication should be breaking the codes and values of traditional information channels’.

Modifié par lucile83 le 07-12-2014 15:22

Réponse: Aide/Communication de yaya18, postée le 07-12-2014 à 12:42:10 (S | E)
Perfect !
But I'm pretty sure I forgot a few mistakes (I'm not be able to correct you perfectly, sorry)
But it seems good to me

Réponse: Aide/Communication de gerondif, postée le 07-12-2014 à 12:52:40 (S | E)
Hello, yaya: Congratulations for your work but you can correct this one! I'm not be able to correct you perfectly.

corrections en vert, erreurs en bleu
With the development of communication, many people use their phones to send messages and use the internet to send message(pluriel) by email. But many of them, forget to respect the codes and values of traditional information channels(Que vient faire cette apostrophe au milieu de rien?) which could break the fundamental bonds of trust.
In most Western cultures, a written contract is better than an oral agreement because for example, the French considered (pourquoi un prétérit alors que le present est plus logique?) that more reliable.
For Ingrid Bergsen, written communication is better because « Texts are fun and more direct ». Furthemore texts saves the monthly bill (erreur de personne/3ème du pluriel/ et puis ça ne veut rien dire, sauver la facture mensuelle, il vaudrait mieux dire alléger, rendre plus légère,...) contrary to(vous confondez avec unlike) talk(à mettre au gérondif) by phone. (vous vous en sortiriez mieux en disant: il est moins cher d'envoyer un texte par e mail que de téléphoner)
Like Ingrid, Sanjay uses written communication by email to this colleagues to ask « who wants to eat(français traduit: Qui veut manger ? assez familier, il faudrait être plus idiomatique, du style "Anyone for lunch ?" ) » because that’s more faster(aïe!).
However, those news(je replace ici l'erreur oubliée et pointée par Here4U. adjectives are invariable) ways of communication should be breaking(la base verbale simple suffira) the codes and values of traditional information channels. (Que vient faire cette apostrophe au milieu de rien?)

Réponse: Aide/Communication de yaya18, postée le 07-12-2014 à 14:14:37 (S | E)
Sorry, I didn't see it : I'm not X able to correct you perfectly.
I think it's much better now.

Thank you for the compliment Gerondif

Réponse: Aide/Communication de here4u, postée le 07-12-2014 à 14:34:51 (S | E)

Une faute m'a sauté aux yeux ...(Aïe!) 'those news ways'
(How are you doing gerund? )

Réponse: Aide/Communication de yaya18, postée le 07-12-2014 à 14:50:26 (S | E)
It's my fault, I highlighted "new way" in blue, though it was just the word "way" which should be used in plural

Sorry again


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