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Correction/mère porteuse

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/mère porteuse
Message de milasosa posté le 11-01-2015 à 12:44:36 (S | E | F)
j'ai vraiment besoin d'aide pour la correction de mon devoir d'angalais ? Est-ce possible de m'aider s'il vous plait ?
Merci pour vos réponses !
But like Sarita in the document of the guardian weekly, women become surogate mother for the money. In the document Sarita is indian, she dreams making hight studies and become teacher but she poors. So Sarita decides to become a surogate mother.
Surogate mother are sometimes confronted with many problem : sh’es ostracized, it is frowed upon, baby’s sick and it must be diffcicult to give away the bay, maybe the surogate mother can develop feelings for the baby during her pregnancy.
Moreover be surogate mother have a consequences : they may be rejected by their family and it can be disturbing for them may think about this child who lives his/her life abroad

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-01-2015 14:19

Réponse: Correction/mère porteuse de yaya18, postée le 11-01-2015 à 13:19:07 (S | E)
Hello milasosa

But like Sarita in the document of the guardian weekly, women become surogate mother for the money. In the document Sarita is indian, she dreams X (préposition) making hight studies and become X (article) teacher but she poors (Vouliez-vous dire : mais elle est pauvre ?). So Sarita decides to become a surogate mother.
Surogate mother are sometimes confronted with many problem (pluriel): sh’es (erreur de frappe) ostracized, it is frowed upon, baby’s sick and it must be diffcicult to give away the bay, maybe the surogate mother can develop feelings for the baby during her pregnancy.
Moreover be surogate mother have a consequences (Pourquoi mettre le pluriel alors que l'article précédent est "a" ?) : they may be rejected by their family (pluriel) and it can be disturbing for them may think about this child who lives his/her life abroad

J'espère avoir pu t'éclairer

Réponse: Correction/mère porteuse de milasosa, postée le 11-01-2015 à 13:49:15 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup !
voici la correction

But like Sarita in the document of the guardian weekly, women become surogate mother for the money. In the document Sarita is indian, she dreams to making hight studies and become a teacher but she’s poor. So Sarita decides to become a surogate mother.
Surogate mother are sometimes confronted with many problems : she’s ostracized, it is frowed upon, baby’s sick and it must be diffcicult to give away the bay, maybe the surogate mother can develop feelings for the baby during her pregnancy.
Moreover be surogate mother have consequences : they may be rejected by their families and it can be disturbing for them may think about this child who lives his/her life abroad

Réponse: Correction/mère porteuse de yaya18, postée le 11-01-2015 à 14:26:15 (S | E)
Hello again
Très bonne correction ! Encore une faute

But like Sarita in the document of the guardian weekly, women become surogate mother for the money. In the document Sarita is indian, she dreams to (toujours faux malheureusement) making hight studies and become a teacher but she’s poor. So Sarita decides to become a surogate mother.
Surogate mother are sometimes confronted with many problems : she’s ostracized, it is frowed upon, baby’s sick and it must be diffcicult to give away the bay, maybe the surogate mother can develop feelings for the baby during her pregnancy.
Moreover be surogate mother have consequences : they may be rejected by their families and it can be disturbing for them may think about this child who lives his/her life abroad

See you soon


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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