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Oral/forme et pouvoir

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral/forme et pouvoir
Message de nmrsn09 posté le 22-04-2015 à 16:49:11 (S | E | F)
je prépare mon oral de Bac en anglais. Je suis en Terminale ES, et malgré que je suis bien que je sois en lv1 anglais, je n'ai pas un niveau génial. Je n'ai personne pour m'aider et je voudrais savoir si c'était possible que quelqu'un regarde mon texte pour corriger les fautes et pour savoir si mon travail est de qualité ?

Locations and form of power

I’m going to talk about a locations and form of power. Power is political integration an ability to exercise a control about somebody (with political organisation, the government or the state). Locations can be organisation, Medias, site or position. But locations and form of power can be a source of conflicts with guns. The ownership of weapons in the USA is an important debate which presents a lot of limits. Why can we say that to own a gun in United States is a means to be powerful?

First we will speak how to own a guns is a means to be undeterred.
I. Own a guns → means to be undeterred for people who living in USA.
To begin, to have a weapon in USA it’s usual, the carrying of weapon is lawful. So, a American citizen get a power to make justice himself.
The stickers which we saw in English lessons show well this idea. Indeed, we can see, with the first stickers, the weapon represents for the American a lot. For example, with a stickers 1 (« Warning! I’m a bitter gun-owner clinging to my religion »), 2 (« Think twice... We don’t call 911 ») and 3 (« Keep moving. Nothing here that’s worth your life ») we notice, for American it’s a form of religion, because it’s an effective defence. The Americans prefer to use their weapons to defend itself that to call the police. They more trust the efficiency of their weapons. For them, a police isn’t a good means because she isn’t also fast. They have a total confidence in them and it’s a part of them even. For American citizen, have a gun it’s a means to be undeterred, to be safe (for them). The people who possesses a weapon thinks it’s a good thing for us, but we can see, this subject present limits and problem in our society.

Secondly, we will show it can be dangerous and needs to be ruled.
II. It can be dangerous and needs to be ruled.
Possessing a weapons, American citizen having a form of power in their hands. But this form of power presenting a problem in society, and the documents which we saw in class room show this limits.
First, the documentary movie “Bowling for Columbine“ by Michael Moore, based on the caused debates by the massacre in Columbine high school on April 20th 1999. It shows the negative aspects and the problems brought by the laws of the carrying of weapon for the United States. Indeed, we can see the ease to own a weapon is problematical because she incite strongly to the hatred and the violence. In this documentary, there are violence images which is caused by this weapons adulation. So, this facility to get a weapon caused violence, crimes, racism and hate.
Secondly, we can see the document “Who’s next”. It’s about two student’s girls who have a weapon and she want killing everybody. This document show the impact of weapons on family and young people. Indeed, the young girls take the example on their parents with their weapons. He show the negative aspect of the weapons because is a game for a girls. They allow a safety but create more facility for violence and hate.

To conclude, the question of guns in USA and this form power is more complicate. Power generally is complicate and present a problems. The government has an import part of power but the citizen have a radius of action (for example weapons, manifestation…). But the power present a negative aspects that is why he must be control.

Merci beaucoup pour votre temps accordé le temps que vous m'accorderez

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-04-2015 18:28

Réponse: Oral/forme et pouvoir de bluduck2, postée le 23-04-2015 à 16:06:20 (S | E)
Hello ! Il vous faut revoir la conjugaison du present simple (3ème personne du singulier),la difference entre le singulier et le pluriel des noms,corriger ces fautes de base dans votre
texte .Ensuite,proposez-nous le texte !
I hope this will help you !


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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