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Idea of progress/aide

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Idea of progress/aide
Message de louna69 posté le 22-04-2015 à 19:05:18 (S | E | F)
je passe bientôt mes épreuves de langue, quelqu’un serait-il disponible pour corriger les fautes s'il vous plait ?
Merci pour vos réponses.

My presentation is going to deal with the idea of progress. To begin with, I like to give a definition of this notion . The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a change or a development that is to say the technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place.. Now, I propose we look at a question : « what are the different aspects of progress ? » being interested by the science, My presentation will focus on the scientific progress

Through the centuries, scientific discoveries and the human intelligence have allowed to develop techniques and processes to make it better human life
Every year in France, some 44 000 "in vitro fertilization" are practiced. Added to the 8000 transfer of frozen embryos, they give birth to about 10,000 babies. If number of scientists complain that these techniques are not more "efficient", progress over the past decade have helped many couples realize their child project
“A savior sibling” or “designer baby” is a child designed to save a family member affected with a fatal disease. the parents use PGD to conceive the child and this with the same blood characteristics in order to transplant some of his cells or organ. The child is thereby destined to provide an organ or cell transplant in order to cure the illness. We studied a newspaper article drawn from USA Today published in October 2010; it talks about Molly Nash and her brother Adam Nash. Molly is affected with Fanconi Anemia and she was saved by her brother Adam. this last is the first designer baby, when he was born his blood from umbilical cord was transplanted to his sister.This article shows the advantage of the scientific progress.

If scientific progress today allowed to improve the human condition, it is also a threat to humans...
We studied in class, a document dealing for about cloning. The image represents a factory that produces clones. The image, is represented, by a treadmill on which, it there is four person dream physique while in the middle there is a person not very beneficial to physical and finds herself ejected in the dumpster with all the other failures. the cartoonist denounces cloning and eugenics which is the science that studies methods of improving the genetic composition of humans. en dénoncant cette science l'auteur, tient la, toute mon approbation. Indeed, this science is an obstacle to diversity, it induces discrimination and may also lead the risks of disabled babies another document studied in class, demonstrates the crucial character of scientific progress. Indeed, this one evokes projects which involves making millions of identical twins. This clones will be later used as robots working in factories, performing menial tasks, repetitive and boring jobs that other humans do not want to do. they represents relatively cheap labour force. if the first paper studies showed the clones as a perfect race, this document tends to put more onwards the dehumanization , by considering clones as potential slaves

to conclude, Times change, we know that, but the rate at which technology has progressed over a very short period of time is quite frightening! Our lives have been totally transformed at every level. The issue we have to face then is how to moderate our use of technology and accept the fact that there are perhaps as many negative aspects to it as there are positives ones.

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-04-2015 22:04


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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