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Correction /photo

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction /photo
Message de chatminou posté le 24-04-2015 à 10:08:15 (S | E | F)
voici une partie d'un texte qui correspond à la description d'une photo, pourriez-vous m'aider à corriger mes erreurs s'il vous plaît ? ce sont des parties du texte ..
- The document is composed of two rectangulars pictures which has been drawn by ...., an drawer
- The 2 pictures are opposite.
- ... everybody is careful of awe planet who's more and more pollute by the car the consumption growing of people and all of that harmful action conduct to the global warming
- The author made these realistic paints but a bit excessive to show the impact of global warming and an ideal life without cars, big store ..
He wants to trigger a reaction from people
- I agree with this representation because not lot of person realise the result of the pollution, consumption .. So, it's a great idea and it's very important for the future generation or generation-to-be ?

Merci beaucoup !!

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-04-2015 12:48

Réponse: Correction /photo de here4u, postée le 24-04-2015 à 10:23:11 (S | E)
Hello !
Quite a few mistakes...

- The document is composed of two rectangulars pictures which has been drawn by ...., an drawer
- The 2 pictures are opposite.
- ... everybody is careful of awe planet who's more and more pollute by the car the consumption growing of people and all of that harmful action conduct to the global warming
- The author made these realistic paints but a bit excessive (the word order is very clumsy ...)to show the impact of global warming and an ideal life without cars, big store ..
He wants to trigger a reaction from people
- I agree with this representation because not lot of person realise the result of the pollution, consumption .. So, it's a great idea and it's very important for the future generation or generation-to-be ?

xxx=very clumsy
blue = wrong

Réponse: Correction /photo de chatminou, postée le 24-04-2015 à 10:37:32 (S | E)
voici la version corrigée :
The document is composed of two rectangular pictures which had been drawn by ...., a drawer
- The 2 pictures are opposite.
- ... everybody is careful of our planet which is more and more polluted by the car, the consumption growing of people and all of that harmful action are conducting to global warming
- The author made these realistic drawing but a bit excessive (the word order is very clumsy ...) to show the impact of global warming and an ideal life without cars, big store which push people to buy ..
He (=the author) wants to trigger a reaction from people
- I agree with this representation because not many people realise the result of the pollution, consumption (= la consommation).. So, it's a great idea and it's very important for the future generation or generation-to-be ?

Thank you very much !

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-04-2015 12:41
No red on the forum please.

Modifié par chatminou le 24-04-2015 14:01


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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