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Essay/Rewarding employees

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Essay/Rewarding employees
Message de trucs16 posté le 24-04-2015 à 16:07:34 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,

Pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plait?Je dois rédiger un texte sur le sujet suivant,
“Rewarding good employees with money is the best motivator. Agree or disagree”

J'ai rédigé le texte suivant, pourriez-vous me donner votre avis et me dire si vous y voyez des fautes ?
Money is obviously a powerful motivator. This is the main reason why people go to work: if they were no paid, no one would work. However, the money is it enough alone to motivate an employee?
For me, several conditions must be met to incite the employees to be involved 100% in their work. To motivate employees, it is first necessary that they make them feel important, relevant and integrated in the company. They must be recognized for what they do, and valued with rewards like more responsibilities or social advantages for example. Some people choose their business according to its perks.
Sometimes, the most important thing for a person, it is to know that she did a good job. Receiving compliments on his work is then also a source of motivation.
For me, money is not the best motivator because each person is different and is motivated by different things.

Merci pour vos réponses.

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-04-2015 19:10

Réponse: Essay/Rewarding employees de notrepere, postée le 25-04-2015 à 16:15:53 (S | E)

Money is obviously a powerful motivator. This is the main reason why people go to work: if they were not paid, no one would work. However, the money is (inversion) it enough alone to motivate an employee?
For me, several conditions must be met to incite the employees to be involved 100% in their work. To motivate employees, it is first necessary that they make them feel important, relevant and integrated in the company. They must be recognized for what they do, and valued with rewards like more responsibilities or social advantages for example. Some people choose their business according to its perks.
Sometimes, the most important thing for a person, it is to know that she did a good job. Receiving compliments on his work is then also a source of motivation.
For me, money is not the best motivator because each person is different and is motivated by different things.


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