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Oral/myths and heroes

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Oral/myths and heroes
Message de romain774 posté le 24-04-2015 à 16:54:55 (S | E | F)
Je passe mon oral sur le thème "Myths and heroes" en anglais si vous pouvez m'aider à corriger mes fautes ou mes erreurs j'en serais heureux. Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

Introduction :
We studied the theme of “Myths and Heroes”. First of all I would like to give a definition of heroes and myths. A hero is someone who helps people in need and makes sacrificies for the sake of others. A myth refers to a story of wonderful events whose protagonists are supernatural character. We analyzed the trailer of movie “Saving Private Ryan” by Steven Spielberg and “First blood” by Ted Kotcheff . Moreover, we studied a text “ The Draftee” by Tim O'brien and extract of the movie “Born on 4th July” by Olivier Stone.The documents that we studied in class show us that heroes are real or imaginary. We asked ourselves : Who can be considered as a hero ?

In a first part, I will talk about the soldiers portrayed as a heroes .Then in a second part, I will talk about the soldiers portrayed as anti-heroes.

On the one hand, the trailer “Saving Private Ryan” is a real story of 4 brothers during WWII in Normandy. 3 of them died in combat so the US army wants to bring the youngest back to his mother in the United States, and they ask 8 soldiers to carryout this mission. Here in this movie, american soldiers are portrayed as heroes who are ready sacrificie their lives for their nation. Moreover, the trailer “First blood” is a fictif story with the protagonist is Rambo who is presented as a “ super strong war machine” . His mission is to locate and save Amercican prisoners of Vietnam war. The Vietnam war was a real trauma for veterans whose lives were shattered by the war. Indeed, Rambo is a character super strong who is going to save all the world all alone, wich is impossible. This movie wants to try to idealize this war who is still very traumatizing for soldiers in the Vietnam War.

On the other hand, the text “The Draftee” is an autobiography of Tim O'brien who tell his story during the Vietnam War. Tim works in a meat-packing factory and he receives a letter from the draft board asking him go to fight in Vietnam. He didn't want to be a criminal and be traumatized. He decides to run away to Canada, but will later decide to go Vietnam and comes back with awful memories. Moreover in the movie “ Born on 4th July ” is a real story, Ronnie the protagonist character wants to go to Vietnam to fight like his father
and uncle. He goes to Vietnam and fights to represent his country. Finally, in both examples they left to the Vietnam War and returned with aftereffects. It is two soldiers portrayed as anti-heros.

Conclusion :
To concluse, today other wars portrayed on screen as the war in Irak and Afghanistan. They often criticize what happened there. But the everyday heroes are policemen, fire brigades, doctors who help us or save us the life when we are needy. We can wonder if everyone can become a hero.

Modifié par lucile83 le 24-04-2015 19:08


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