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Myths and heroes/aide

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Myths and heroes/aide
Message de rominai25 posté le 30-04-2015 à 20:30:46 (S | E | F)
j'aurais besoin de votre aide afin de savoir si mon travail est correct autant pour l’orthographe que pour la compréhension. Je ne suis pas un grand homme de lettres, j'espère qu'il n'y aura pas trop de fautes. Merci d'avance de votre aide.
Ps: Je précise que j'ai pas terminé cette notion; il faut encore que je détaille la vie de John Lennon.

I’m going to deal with the notion Myth and hero. In the history many myths have been imagine, and they have permitted to create heroes that we know today. But why we love them same it’s not real? So to answer about this question, we’ll see firstly the definition of this two words “myth and hero” then we’ll speak about Steve Jobs and john Lennon for illustrate our remarks. And in the final part we’ll discuss if it’s better to build a myth or not for the humanity.
What’s a myth and what’s a hero? A myth it’s a discrepancy between the idealized image people have and the reality. For example a myth can be defined as a story about gods and heroes, heroes with powers. But it’s fictional. A myth take element of the reality for create a history. So now heroes, lot of people are considered like heroes but a hero isn’t necessarily a person who is helpful. Everyone can be a hero, for example in their profession. The firemen save lives or the humanitarian people who go in the country affected by Ebola to help the sick people. These people give their service to help the others unrequited. A hero can be define like a normal person who does simple action to help people around the world.
Steve jobs have been the men who was the ahead of his time. Because he was the first to think that another never think before. He created a computer in his garage and after that he created Apple. Thanks to him we know the digital technology, smartphones. Without him we probably never know a evolution of technology. He like a hero in technology.
John lennon was
We need these myths because when we’re young our models are probably our parents. But when you start to grow you go to another idealize models. We’ll copy his hairstyle, clothes… We take them like our hero, because we want to be like them, intelligent, job. It’s in human nature to take a model to carry on. But a hero depending of our interest, It could be a singer, or a politic man.
Conclusion : To conlude heros or myths are a person who makes something different from another person, save lives, defend his ideal, find new technologies… We need them because we create a image around this person, a model, and we want to be like them, a recognize person.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-05-2015 06:04

Réponse: Myths and heroes/aide de gerondif, postée le 01-05-2015 à 00:34:17 (S | E)
Voici quelques extraits des devoirs de Leavar.(à force de corriger son texte, je le connais quasiment par coeur) On va les retrouver dans votre devoir.

Lots of people are considered like heroes but a hero isn’t necessarily a person who is helpful and who fulfills a lot of achievements. Heroes can accomplish achievements through their professions as we have studied in class like firemen or humanitarian people who go to the country affected by ebola to help sick people.

when we were young the first model was our mother or our father but when we grow.... it’s in human nature to take a model to carry on.
But a hero for someone isn’t necessarily a hero for somebody else (an other), because for somebody who likes music his hero was certainly situated into the music domain. In fact the heroes you choose depend on your interest.

In conclusion a hero or a myth is a person who makes something different from other people, he can save a life, defend his ideal, find a new technology, make a discovery to save many lives.

Parfois, votre façon littérale de traduire fait franchement mal!
But why we love them same it’s not real? Mais pourquoi on les aime même si c'est pas vrai?

erreurs en bleu.

I’m going to deal with the notion Myth and hero. In the history many myths have been imagine, and they have permitted to create heroes that we know today. But why we love them same it’s not real? So to answer about this question, we’ll see firstly the definition of this two words “myth and hero” then we’ll speak about Steve Jobs and john Lennon for illustrate our remarks. And in the final part we’ll discuss if it’s better to build a myth or not for the humanity.
What’s a myth and what’s a hero? A myth it’s a discrepancy between the idealized image people have and the reality. For example a myth can be defined as a story about gods and heroes, heroes with powers. But it’s fictional. A myth takes element(pluriel) of the reality for create a history. So now heroes, lots of people are considered like heroes but a hero isn’t necessarily a person who is helpful. Everyone can be a hero, for example in their profession. The firemen save lives or the humanitarian people who go in the country affected by Ebola to help the sick people. These people give their service to help the others unrequited. A hero can be define like a normal person who does simple actions to help people around the world.
Steve jobs have been the men who was the ahead of his time. Because he was the first to think that another man never think(plus que parfait) before. He created a computer in his garage and after that he created Apple. Thanks to him we know the digital technology, smartphones. Without him we (conditionnel)probably never know an evolution of technology. He (manque le verbe)like a hero in technology.
John lennon was
We need these myths because when we’re young our models are probably our parents. But when you start to grow you go to another idealize(participe passé) models. We’ll copy his hairstyle, clothes… We take them like our hero, because we want to be like them, intelligent, job(n'est pas un adjectif). It’s in human nature to take a model to carry on. But a hero depending of our interest, It could be a singer, or a political man.
Conclusion : To conclude heros or myths are a person(ce singulier coince) who makes something different from another person, save lives, defend his ideal, find new technologies… We need them because we create a image around this person, a model, and we want to be like them, a recognize person.

Réponse: Myths and heroes/aide de rominai25, postée le 04-05-2015 à 13:32:26 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup je corrige ça tous de suite et travail sur la partie avec john lennon ;p

Réponse: Myths and heroes/aide de rominai25, postée le 05-05-2015 à 02:08:17 (S | E)
J'ai repris uniquement les phrases qui étaient fausses :

-I’m going to deal with the notion Myth and hero. In the history many myths have been imagined

-But why we love them same if it's not reality ?

-So to answer this question, we’ll see firstly the definition of these two words “myth and hero” then we’ll speak about Steve Jobs and john Lennon for illustrate our remarks.

-Lennon for illustrate our remarks. And in the final part we’ll discuss if it’s better to build a myth or not for humanity.

-A myth is a discrepancy between the idealized image people have and the reality.

-A myth takes elements of the reality to create a History.

-Steve jobs have been the man who was the ahead of his time.

-Because he was the first to think that another man never to have though before.

-Thanks to him we know digital technology, smartphones. Without him we would probably never know an evolution of technology. He likes a hero in technology.

-But when you start to grow you go to an other idealized models.

-To conclude heros or myths are person who makes something different from another person, save lives, defend his ideal, find new technologies…

-We need them because we create a image around this person, a model, and we want to be like them, a recognized person.

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-05-2015 09:36
Pas de rouge sur les forums, merci.

Réponse: Myths and heroes/aide de gerondif, postée le 05-05-2015 à 09:56:15 (S | E)
"J'ai repris uniquement les phrases qui étaient fausses" :oui mais sans correction, elles le restent

-I’m going to deal with the notion Myth and hero. In the history (pas de the devant les matières scolaires: I have history at 3) many myths have been imagined

-But why we love them same if it's not reality ? toujours aussi faux.

-So to answer this question, we’ll see firstly the definition of these two words “myth and hero” then we’ll speak about Steve Jobs and john Lennon for illustrate our remarks.

-Lennon for illustrate our remarks. And in the final part we’ll discuss if it’s better to build a myth or not for humanity.

-A myth is a discrepancy between the idealized image people have and the reality.

-A myth takes elements of (of signifie appartenant à from signifie provenant de)the reality to create a History. (a story, une histoire qu'on raconte, un récit. History sans article, l'histoire, la matière scolaire, la science.)

-Steve jobs have(aïe!! I have, you have, he HAS) been the man who was the ahead of his time.

-Because he was the first to think that another man never to have though before.(n'a pas de sens / to think, I thought, thought)

-Thanks to him we know digital technology, smartphones. Without him we would probably never know (infinitif passé)an evolution of technology. He likes a hero in technology.(il aime un héros en technologie. Sens??)

-But when you start to grow up, you go to another idealized models.

-To conclude heros (heroes) or myths are person(le pluriel de person est people) who makes(make, fabriquer, ou do, faire en général?) something different from another person(à mettre au pluriel), save lives, defend his ideal(à mettre au pluriel), find new technologies…

-We need them because we create an image around this person, a model, and we want to be like them, a recognized person.

Réponse: Myths and heroes/aide de rominai25, postée le 05-05-2015 à 11:39:34 (S | E)
-I’m going to deal with the notion Myth and hero. In history

-But why we love them ? Same if they're not real.

-So to answer this question, we’ll see firstly the definition of these two words “myth and hero” then we’ll speak about Steve Jobs and john Lennon to illustrate our remarks.

-Lennon for illustrate our remarks. And in the final part we’ll discuss if it’s better to build a myth or not for humanity.

-A myth is a discrepancy between the idealized image people have and the reality.

-A myth takes elements from the reality to create a story.

-Steve jobs has been the man who was ahead of his time. En effet erreur d'étourderie en même temps corriger ça a minuit...

-Because he was the first to think that another man never to have thought before. Encore une erreur d'étourderie

-Thanks to him we know digital technology, smartphones. Without him we would probably never have known an evolution of technology. He looks like a hero in technology.

-But when you start to grow up, you go to another idealized model.

-To conclude heroes or myths are people do something different from others people, save lives, defend their ideals, find new technologies…

-We need them because we create an image around this person, a model, and we want to be like them, a recognized person.

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-05-2015 12:41
No red on the forum please. Je l'écris en anglais puisque visiblement vous ne comprenez pas en français.

Réponse: Myths and heroes/aide de gerondif, postée le 05-05-2015 à 11:55:01 (S | E)
-I’m going to deal with the notion Myth and hero. In history............

-But why we love them ? Same(toujours aussi faux.) if they're not real.
en sixième on apprend:
I like tea.
DO you like tea ?
Yes, I do
No, I don't
Why do you like tea?

same signifie semblable à double cliquez sur même, dictionnaire French English vous trouverez l'autre)

-So to answer this question, we’ll see firstly the definition of these two words “myth and hero” then we’ll speak about Steve Jobs and john Lennon to illustrate our remarks.(bien, à mettre en dessous aussi)

-Lennon for illustrate our remarks. And in the final part we’ll discuss if it’s better to build a myth or not for humanity.

-A myth is a discrepancy between the idealized image people have and the reality.

-A myth takes elements from the reality to create a story.

-Steve jobs has been the a man who was ahead of his time. SJ was ahead of his times suffirait bien....

-Because he was the first to think that(non pas that qui veut dire que mais what qui veut dire "ce que": vous voulez dire SJ fut le premier à penser ce qu'un autre homme n'avait jamais pensé auparavant) another man never to have thought(past perfect à conjuguer) before. Encore une erreur d'étourderie

-Thanks to him we know digital technology, smartphones. Without him we would probably never have known an evolution of technology. He looks like a hero in technology.

-But when you start to grow up, you go to another idealized model.

-To conclude, heroes or myths are people who do something different from others people, save lives, defend their ideals, find new technologies…

-We need them because we create an image around this person, a model, and we want to be like them, a recognized person.

Réponse: Myths and heroes/aide de rominai25, postée le 10-05-2015 à 19:43:27 (S | E)
Merci pour vos réponses. J'ai tous corrigé comme vous me l'avez noté


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