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Notion/spaces and exchanges

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Notion/spaces and exchanges
Message de sarou25 posté le 01-05-2015 à 10:57:17 (S | E | F)
Etant en Terminale S, je vais donc bientôt passer mes oraux de langue sur les notions.
Mon professeur ne corrigeant pas nos notions, j'aurais donc besoin d'aide pour corriger mes erreurs afin de ne pas apprendre un texte rempli de fautes...
Merci pour votre aide.

I'm going to talk about the notion spaces and exchanges.
First, let me define quickly this notion: it deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces.
To illustrate this notion I will talk about the immigration. That's why we can ask why people immigrate and what happened to them when they are landing.
At first, I’m going to talk about the reasons of people's immigration. Afterwards, we’ll see the consequences on their lives when they are landing.

We know that immigrants go to US for several reasons.
The document the “ browning of America ” is a map, and shows that there was 43% of the national population of Hispanic or Latino origin in USA. Most of them are coming from Mexico and Cuba.
They are escaping poverty and are seeking for a better life across the border. Cubans fled for policy reasons, and want to escape the Castro regime.
This person immigrates for another reason: to finding a job and a place. Indeed the document “the Other Side of the corn” can illustrate this idea. It's composed of 6 pictures. On each one there is an Hispanic immigrant.
On the first photo, we see a woman who washing the floor at night. On the left down corner there is a voucher man. In another photo we can see a gardener, a woman who picks up tomatoes. So this picture shows that most of immigrants who are in US have a job.

So now, we'll see the consequences when they are landing.
There is a gap between minorities and American. The cartoon tuneillustrates this. 
In this cartoon there is a man and a woman who is talking about theminority status in the USA.
The man supports the minorities and wants the government to adopt a new policy of welfare.
He would like the government to pass laws to increase housing,
Indeed a lot of immigrants are halted when they arrived in America. In the picture the other side of the corn, we can see a policeman, and uncle Sam who hangs on his hands a paper: 
this paper is destined to the policeman who must halt each immigrant.
The other problem for these immigrants is the difficulty of their jobs. On all of the picture, we see that they work in sweatshops and in difficulties. The immigrants are unskilled and very low paid. This document shows that there are exhausted and they suffer fromloneliness.
So the immigrants have poor education and they have a problem to understand the English.
The document “Life in America “illustrates this. This is an advertisement of Coca Cola company. The slogan is “move to water” and it's a mix between English and Spanish, so the Spanglish. This is clearly targeted at bilingual Spanish and English targeted. So someone who doesn't speak both languages like Hispanic immigrants have a hard time understanding what the slogan means. Although in America, there is no official language, speak English in America is always necessary and stay a problem to the minorities.

To conclude, we can say that immigrants comes to America to have a better life, but when they arrived, it's not as simple as they can have imagined. Indeed, to my minds I think that government must be developed more rules to help these immigrants and ameliorate the conditions of their works.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-05-2015 11:38

Réponse: Notion/spaces and exchanges de sarou25, postée le 05-05-2015 à 15:06:44 (S | E)
Personne ne pourrait m'aider ??

Réponse: Notion/spaces and exchanges de gerondif, postée le 06-05-2015 à 10:47:43 (S | E)
I'm going to talk about the notion spaces and exchanges.
First, let me quickly define this notion: it deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and interactions between men and different societies. Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces.
To illustrate this notion I will talk about the immigration. That's why we can ask why people immigrate and what happened to them when they are landing.
At first, I’m going to talk about the reasons of people's immigration. Afterwards, we’ll see the consequences on their lives when they are landing.

We know that immigrants go to the US for several reasons.
The document the “ browning of America ” is a map, and shows that there was 43% of the national population are of Hispanic or Latino origin in USA. Most of them are coming from Mexico and Cuba.(un présent simple suffirait)
They are escaping poverty and are seeking for a better life across the border. Cubans fled for policy reasons, and want to escape the Castro regime.(mélange de présent et de passé, choisisssez en un seul)

This person immigrates for another reason: to finding a job and a place. Indeed the document “the Other Side of the corn” can illustrate this idea. It's composed of 6 pictures. On each one there is an(h aspiré) Hispanic immigrant.

On the first photo, we can see a woman( a woman washing/ a woman who is washing) who washing the floor at night. On the left down(in the bottom left corner) corner there is a voucher man. In another photo we can see a gardener, a woman who picks up tomatoes. So this picture shows that most of immigrants who are in the US have a job.

So now, we'll see the consequences when they are landing.(au moment où ils sont en train de mettre le pied sur le som américian, vous êtes sûre de ce présent en ing?)

There is a gap between minorities and American people. The cartoon tune illustrates this.
In this cartoon there is a man and a woman who is(pluriel) talking about the minority status in the USA.
The man supports the minorities and wants the government to adopt a new policy of welfare.
He would like the government to pass laws to increase housing,

Indeed a lot of immigrants are halted(bof!) when they arrived(concordance des temps) in America. In the picture the other side of the corn, we can see a policeman, and uncle Sam who hangs(il pend? il tient?) on his hands a paper:
this paper is destined to the policeman who must halt(to halt, c'est arrêter la circulation!!) each immigrant.
The other problem for these immigrants is the difficulty of their jobs. On all of the pictures, we can see that they work in sweatshops and in difficulties. The immigrants are unskilled and very low paid. This document shows that there are exhausted and they suffer from loneliness.

So the immigrants have poor education and they have a problem to understand the English.
The document “Life in America “illustrates this. This It is an advertisement of(from ? for ?) Coca Cola company. The slogan is “move to water” and it's a mix between English and Spanish, so the Spanglish. This is clearly targeted at bilingual Spanish and English targeted. So someone who doesn't speak both languages like Hispanic immigrants have a hard time understanding what the slogan means. Although in America, there is no official language, speaking English in America is always necessary and stay(remain + s de présebr 3ème personne) a problem to the minorities.

To conclude, we can say that immigrants comes to America to have a better life, but when they arrived, it's not as simple as they may have imagined. Indeed, to my minds,(whaou! vous en avez plusieurs) I think that government must be developed more rules to help these immigrants and ameliorate(sonne français, utilisez to improve) the conditions of their works(leurs travaux, leurs réalisations ou leur travail, leur emploi ?).

Réponse: Notion/spaces and exchanges de sarou25, postée le 06-05-2015 à 14:17:51 (S | E)
merci beaucoup !
Le halt peut donc se remplacer par stop ?
Pour when they are landing, si je veux dire une fois qu'ils sont arrivés sur le territoire Américain, je peux juste marquer when they land alors ?


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