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Notion/ Myths and Heroes

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Notion/ Myths and Heroes
Message de sarou25 posté le 05-05-2015 à 16:01:09 (S | E | F)
Etant en Terminale S, je vais donc bientôt passer mes oraux de langue sur les notions.
Mon professeur ne corrigeant pas nos notions, j'aurais donc besoin d'aide pour corriger mes erreurs afin de ne pas apprendre un texte rempli de fautes...
Merci pour votre aide.

I'm going to deal with the notion Myths and heroes.
First, let me define quickly this notion. A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition.
A hero can be a mythological figure, a person, an icon, anyone who is admired for his or her achievement.
We have studied American feasts, and we can ask what are the different sides of American myths?
First, I will speak about Thanksgiving, then about the American Dreamand finally about Columbus day.

So now we will see what are the origins of the feast Thaksgiving, with a painting.
The painting by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris is in honour of the Native American Tribe and the colonists. This painting depicts the first religious festival of Thanksgiving. It's a festival that is now celebrated on the last Thursday of November. The pilgrims Fathers were not familiar with their new environment and had to face very hard winter. That's why the Native Americans helped them to survive. They introduced them to corn, pumpkin and other vegetables. SoThanksgiving was celebrated to thank God for helping them overcome their difficulties.
In this painting the Native Americans and the Pilgrims share food. The Pilgrims welcome the Natives to their colony.
But we can watch some differences between pilgrims and nativeAmericans: indeed the women are wearing grown, whereas the Natives are wearing feathered headdresses and blankets.
The pilgrims are standing or sitting whereas the Indians are sitting on the ground.
So it's an idealized vision, the truth has been distorted. Indeed, the Pilgrims seem to be the hosts and the Native American are their guest

We know that America was the promised land. Indeed the song « the land of marvels » by Bruce Springsteen illustrate this idea. The USA is described as a nation of immigrants. The different waves of immigration are listed.
Because the USA is a land of opportunity  people are rich enough to buy luxury goods: «  gold comes rushing out the weavers straight into your hands » «  there is diamonds in the sidewalk » but he is also depicting another reality: the immigrants died when they build infrastructures. So it's an illusion because when they come in America, they don't become really rich. Therefore, there are differences between the reality and the myth of the American Dream.

As thanksgiving, Columbus Day is a American Federal holiday, which celebrates Christophe Colomb and his discoveries. Now we'll see to what extend is it controversed.
The video taken from CBS NEWS entitled «  Is it time to say goodbye to Columbus Day » explains that this American Federal holiday can disappear.
Columbus was a symbol of progress. Howewer today Americans are againts the idea of this holiday because they have discovered that Columbus was not as nice as he used to be described in the curriculum. Indeed, Columbus was not entirely a hero, he enslaved the Indians, they were forced to work and punishments were draconian. So there is a darkside about this history.

To conclude, we can say that many American feasts and myths are controversed, and have different sides. According to me before to celebrate a feast, we must know the history in entire, and know all of the sides of this feast and myths.

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-05-2015 18:59

Réponse: Notion/ Myths and Heroes de gerondif, postée le 06-05-2015 à 10:33:16 (S | E)
Erreurs en bleu corrections en vert.
I'm going to deal with the notion Myths and heroes.
First, let me define quickly this notion. A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition.
A hero can be a mythological figure, a person, an icon, anyone who is admired for his or her achievements.
We have studied American feasts, and we can ask:"What are the different sides of American myths?
sinons style indirect: wa can ask what the .......are.
First, I will speak about Thanksgiving, then about the American Dreamland finally about Columbus day.

So now we will see what are(style indirect) the origins of the feast Thaksgiving, with a painting.
The painting by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris is in honour of the Native American Tribe and the colonists. This painting depicts the first religious festival of Thanksgiving. It's a festival that is now celebrated on the last Thursday of November. The pilgrims Fathers were not familiar with their new environment and had to face a very hard winter. That's why the Native Americans helped them to survive. They introduced them to corn, pumpkin and other vegetables. So Thanksgiving was celebrated to thank God for helping them overcome their difficulties.
In this painting the Native Americans and the Pilgrims share food. The Pilgrims welcome the Natives to their colony.
But we can watch some differences between the pilgrims and the native Americans(ils sont définis, ceux du tableau): indeed the women are wearing grown(gowns??), whereas the Natives are wearing feathered headdresses and blankets.
The pilgrims are standing or sitting (on chairs?) whereas the Indians are sitting on the ground.
So it's an idealized vision, the truth has been distorted. Indeed, the Pilgrims seem to be the hosts and the Native American are their guests

We know that America was the promised land. Indeed the song « the land of marvels » by Bruce Springsteen illustrates this idea. The USA is described as a nation of immigrants. The different waves of immigration are listed.
Because the USA is a land of opportunity people are rich enough to buy luxury goods: « gold comes rushing out the weavers straight into your hands » « there is(ah bon Springsteen fait cette erreur ? there are) diamonds in the sidewalk » but he is also depicting another reality: the immigrants died when they build infrastructures. So it's an illusion because when they come in America, they don't become really rich. Therefore, there are differences between the reality and the myth of the American Dream.

As (non, c'est une comparaison, as signifie en tant que) thanksgiving, Columbus Day is a American Federal holiday, which celebrates Christopher Colombus and his discoveries. Now we'll see to what extend is it(style indiract) controversed(controversial?).
The video taken from CBS NEWS entitled « Is it time to say goodbye to Columbus Day ? » explains that this American Federal holiday can disappear.
Columbus was a symbol of progress. Howewer today Americans are againts the idea of this holiday because they have discovered that Columbus was not as nice as he used to be described in the curriculum (le programme de cours?). Indeed, Columbus was not entirely a hero, he enslaved the Indians, they were forced to work and punishments were draconian. So there is a dark side about this history.

To conclude, we can say that many American feasts and myths are controversed, and have different sides. According to me before + ing) to celebrate a feast, we must know the history in entire, and know all of the sides(every side) of this feast and myths.

Réponse: Notion/ Myths and Heroes de laure95, postée le 06-05-2015 à 10:45:26 (S | E)
Bjr, Bonjour,

First, I will speak about Thanksgiving, then about the American Dreamand finally about Columbus day.

So now we will see what are the origins of the feast Thaksgiving, with a painting faire une interrogative indirecte: mot interro + sujet + verbe conjugué.
The painting by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris is in honour of the Native American Tribe(à mettre au pluriel) and the colonists.

SoThanksgiving was celebrated to thank God for helping them to overcome their difficulties.
In this painting the Native Americans and the Pilgrims share (à mettre au présent be+-ing) food. The Pilgrims welcome (même remarque) the Natives to their colony.
But we can watch (notice) some differences between the pilgrims and the nativeAmericans: indeed the women are wearing grown (à mettre au pluriel), whereas the Natives are wearing feathered headdresses and blankets.

Indeed, the Pilgrims seem to be the hosts and the Native American (pluriel) are their guest (même remarque)
Indeed the song « the land of marvels » by Bruce Springsteen illustrate (conjugaison!) this idea.

but he is also depicting another reality: the immigrants died when they build (temps) infrastructures. So it's an illusion because when they come in America, they don't (temps) become really rich.

As thanksgiving, Columbus Day is a (A + CONSONNE) American Federal holiday, which celebrates Christophe Colomb (Christopher Columbus) and his discoveries. Now we'll see to what extend is it (extent it is) controversed.

According to me before to celebrate (BEFORE + VERB + -ING) a feast, we must know the history in entire (whole history), and know all of the sides of this feast and myths.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-05-2015 12:31

Réponse: Notion/ Myths and Heroes de sarou25, postée le 06-05-2015 à 14:15:04 (S | E)
Merci à tous
juste pour cette phrase la but he is also depicting another reality: the immigrants died when they build (temps) infrastructures. So it's an illusion because when they come in America, they don't (temps) become really rich. je ne comprend pas pourquoi le temps ne va pas je ne peux pas laisser le présent ??


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