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Spaces and exchanges/Bac

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Spaces and exchanges/Bac
Message de grosnoeils posté le 06-05-2015 à 18:15:34 (S | E | F)
Bonjour !
Dans deux semaines je me prépare à passer mon oral d'anglais et j'aimerais avoir votre avis sur le développement de cette notion et savoir les éventuelles fautes que j'aurais pu faire (pour les accents c'est normal je ne sais pas les faire sur ordinateur), voilà merci d'avance à qui pourra m'aider !

I will talk about the notion « Spaces and exchanges » with Megacities which allow illustrate this notion.
Megacities are wide spaces which attract an increasing number of tourists, businessmen and inhabitants, it's the result of flows from the countryside, a place more and more deserted, to the city.
Indeed, Los Angeles, one of the bigest global cities, have a population of nearly 13 million.
However, this is a real problem for the next years because it leads to urban ills in that type of cities.
So, experts look into it ans try to find a solution.
→ The question is : Can we redesign our cities ?
To answer, I will speak about today's urban problems then the possible solutions to remedy it.

Solving problems is a great future deal.
There is an « accumulation » of them, more especially in big cities.
My first document is an article adapted from the BBC of 2013, it's about LA and allows to show these problems. In fact, that megacity must overcome many difficulties which are linked each other, overpopulation lead to huge traffic-jams and to an impersonal environment, car's pollution lead to health problems and don't forget social inequalities like we can see with fabulous wealth and extrem poverty which exist side by side.

So, my second document try to solve that.
Indeed, this video is part of an advertising campaign from Alstom and propose to build an « eco city ». The goal of that type of city is to reduce our impact on the planet.
To do that, they say we must turn today's buildings into positive energy buildings which could produce energy themselves and share our production with the other buildings.
We should use electric and public transportation thanks to the establishment of a multimodal network. Finally, we should use smart grids to supply energy.

But, Alstom doesn't solve overpopulation, that's why I have decided to take an other project presented in my last document, an article.
Perruri 88 is a vertical city which could be born in Jakarta, located in Indonesia. This new structure has many advantages : at first, it is space-saving as it's 400 meters high and has 88 planned floors. It's a smart city because all services will be close at hand, people will not need a car anymore and will walk if they want to go at the supermarket and at work. This project could offer a healthier quality of life thanks to the reduction of toxic emissions in addition to the garden terraces to filter the air. Well, the city will be people-friendly and planet-friendly with fewer toxic emissions.

To conclude, I can answer we have the obligation yo think about the future and test new ideas. But, some projects can appear as utopian with a lot of difficulties to put them in place. Indeed, it must be costly and we don't know if people will accept to live and stay in the same place all the time like in Perruri 88.
I'm a bit skeptical but also enthusiastic because things are starting to evolve.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-05-2015 22:59
Il n'y a pas d'accents en anglais inutile de les chercher sur l'ordinateur.

Réponse: Spaces and exchanges/Bac de gerondif, postée le 07-05-2015 à 17:39:49 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert

I will talk about the notion « Spaces and exchanges » with Megacities which allow(autorise?) to illustrate this notion.
Megacities are wide spaces which attract an increasing number of tourists, businessmen and inhabitants, it's the result of flows from the countryside, a place more and more deserted, to the city.
Indeed, Los Angeles, one of the bigest global cities, have(singulier) a population of nearly 13 million people/inhabitants.
However, this is a real problem for the next(plutôt future) years because it leads to urban ills in that type of cities.
So, experts look into it ans try to find a solution.
→ The question is : Can we redesign our cities ?
To answer, I will speak about today's urban problems then the possible solutions to remedy it.

Solving problems is a great future deal.
There is an « accumulation » of them, more especially in big cities.
My first document is an article adapted from the BBC of 2013, it's about LA and allows to show these problems. In fact, that megacity must overcome many difficulties which are linked to each other, overpopulation lead to huge traffic-jams and to an impersonal environment, car's pollution lead to health problems and don't forget social inequalities like we can see with fabulous wealth and extreme poverty which exist side by side.

So, my second document try(s du présent simple) to solve that.
Indeed, this video is part of an advertising campaign from Alstom and proposes to build an « eco city ». The goal of that type of city is to reduce our impact on the planet.
To do that, they say we must turn today's buildings into positive energy buildings which could produce energy themselves and share our production with the other buildings.
We should use electric and public transportation thanks to the establishment of a multimodal network. Finally, we should use smart grids to supply energy.

But, Alstom doesn't solve overpopulation, that's why I have decided to take another project presented in my last document, an article.
Perruri 88 is a vertical city which could be born in Jakarta, located in Indonesia. This new structure has many advantages : at first, it is space-saving as it's 400 meters high and has 88 planned floors. It's a smart city because all services will be close at hand, people will not need a car anymore and will walk if they want to go at(at, on y est, to , on y va) the supermarket and at work. This project could offer a healthier quality of life thanks to the reduction of toxic emissions in addition to the garden terraces to filter the air. Well, the city will be people-friendly and planet-friendly with fewer toxic emissions.

To conclude, I can answer we have the obligation to think about the future and test new ideas. But, some projects can appear as utopian with a lot of difficulties to put them in place. Indeed, it must be costly and we don't know if people will accept to live and stay in the same place all the time like in Perruri 88.
I'm a bit skeptical but also enthusiastic because things are starting to evolve.


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