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Devoir/Meeting a singer

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Devoir/Meeting a singer
Message de uzrok posté le 06-05-2015 à 22:05:50 (S | E | F)

Je tiens d'abord à remercier ceux qui m'ont aidé l'autre fois pour me préparer à mon oral.
J'ai un texte en anglais à rendre demain.
Je doute de mon orthographe et de ma grammaire, aussi, pourriez-vous m'aider en m'indiquant si mon texte contient des fautes ?
Je vous remercie d'avance.

It's amazing !! I met Eddy Malou, The singer ! I was in New York, I was watching a street show when a man rushed towards me. He said: Hide me of Paparazzi. So I took him in my home.
He Was fleered the Paparazzi. He just wanted to walk.
He thanked me, I was so surprised, I was shocked!
So I asked him to agree to ask him some questions.
First, What do you feel is you biggest achievement? Well, I'm particulary prouf of my career, and the work that I have provided.
Tell me a little bit about your childhood. Sure, I was a very shy and reserves shild, What interested me was politics. it's weird for a kid, right? (laught from Eddy Malou)
What are you passionate about ? I am passionate about politics. And I love my son.
Who inspires you ?
My neighbor, she inspires me, since childhood, she struggles to get ahead in life because she is handicapped but does not give up, and struggle every day to regain a normal life. She is so determined, she inspires me.
What is your favourite movie ?
I don't really have a favorite movie, but my favorite series is "What the Cut 36" with Antoine Daniel and "Samuel the ventilator."
What do you think of paparazzi ?
oh, no, please, don't talk to me about them, I hate them. next question !
Me : Ok ( laught )
What's the next step in your career ?
Mhh ... My next step in my career is to get rid OF PAPARAZZI !!
Me : Please, be a little serious, this is an interview Mr. Eddy Malou!
Eddy Malou : Yes sorry. My next step in my career is to increase my popularity.
Me : God thank you! We finally have a serious answer!
Eddy Malou : What do you said ?
Me : No, that's not important!
What do you do if you lose your fan ?
I would be confused, I do not know what to do without them!
What do you think of flying ventilators?
Hmm... I think that... Wait, Flying ventilators do not exist, and it has no relation to our interview!
Me : Sorry...
Eddy Malou : Can I ask you just a question ?
Me : Yes ?
Eddy Malou : Can I go ?
Me : Yes, thanks for your time. It was a pleasure to talk to you.
Eddy malou : Wait, I have something to tell you, it's a Prank !! Smile, you're on TV !!
me : You'd tell me about !!

Conclusion :
Eddy Malou is really funny, I didn't know that was a prank. And he invited me to his next concert. He was very friendly and funny. My opinion changed about him, he's a very friendly singer.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-05-2015 22:15

Réponse: Devoir/Meeting a singer de gerondif, postée le 06-05-2015 à 22:15:08 (S | E)
vous auriez pu mieux séparer questions réponses.
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert
It's amazing !! I met Eddy Malou, The singer ! I was in New York, I was watching a street show when a man rushed towards me. He said: Hide me of Paparazzi. So I took him in my home.

He Was fleered the Paparazzi. He just wanted to walk.
He thanked me, I was so surprised, I was shocked!

So I asked him to agree to ask him some questions.

First, What do you feel is your biggest achievement? Well, I'm particulary prouf of my career, and the work that I have provided.

Tell me a little bit about your childhood. Sure, I was a very shy and reserves shild, What interested me was politics. it's weird for a kid, right? (laught from Eddy Malou)

What are you passionate about ? I am passionate about politics. And I love my son.

Who inspires you ?

My neighbor, she inspires me. since childhood, she struggles(present perfect avec since) to get ahead in life because she is handicapped but does not give up, and struggle every day to regain a normal life. She is so determined, she inspires me.

What is your favourite movie ?

I don't really have a favorite movie, but my favorite series is "What the Cut 36" with Antoine Daniel and "Samuel the ventilator."

What do you think of paparazzi ?

oh, no, please, don't talk to me about them, I hate them. next question !

Me : Ok ( laught )

What's the next step in your career ?

Mhh ... My next step in my career is to get rid OF PAPARAZZI !!

Me : Please, be a little serious, this is an interview Mr. Eddy Malou!

Eddy Malou : Yes sorry. My next step in my career is to increase my popularity.

Me : God thank you! We finally have a serious answer!

Eddy Malou : What do you said ?

Me : No, that's not important!

What do(temps) you do if you lose your fans ?

I would be confused, I do not know what to do without them!

What do you think of flying ventilators?

Hmm... I think that... Wait, Flying ventilators do not exist, and it has no relation to our interview!

Me : Sorry...

Eddy Malou : Can I ask you just a question ?

Me : Yes ?

Eddy Malou : Can I go ?

Me : Yes, thanks for your time. It was a pleasure to talk to you.

Eddy malou : Wait, I have something to tell you, it's a Prank !! Smile, you're on TV !!

me : You'd tell me about !!

Conclusion :

Eddy Malou is really funny, I didn't know that was a prank. And he invited me to his next concert. He was very friendly and funny. My opinion changed about him, he's a very friendly singer.

Réponse: Devoir/Meeting a singer de uzrok, postée le 06-05-2015 à 22:30:44 (S | E)
Bonjour, Merci pour votre réponse rapide
J'ai juste quelques questions.
Comment puis-je corriger la phrase
" He Was fleered the Paparazzi. "
Vous m'aviez indiqué que Fleered est une faute, mais je ne sais pas comment la corriger .

Ainsi que
" since childhood, she struggles "
Merci d'avance,

Réponse: Devoir/Meeting a singer de gerondif, postée le 06-05-2015 à 22:41:07 (S | E)
ah, le bon vieux "je ne sais pas"!
to flee I fled fled est le verbe fuir, to fleer, je ne le connais pas.
il était en train de fuir = forme en ing.
Dans une phrase avec for ou since au sens de depuis, il faut que le verbe soit au present perfect.
I am writing.
I have been writing for 6 minutes, since twenty-five to eleven.

Réponse: Devoir/Meeting a singer de uzrok, postée le 06-05-2015 à 22:55:57 (S | E)
Si j'ai bien compris, je dois écrire
" He was Fling " ?

Réponse: Devoir/Meeting a singer de gerondif, postée le 06-05-2015 à 23:00:08 (S | E)
to see ne donne pas I am sing!
d'ailleurs, s'enfuir, c'est plutôt "to run away from" flee, c'est bon pour les textes bibliques ou historiques.


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