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Notion/Idée de progrès

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Notion/Idée de progrès
Message de lienn posté le 07-05-2015 à 19:01:33 (S | E | F)
je viens de finir et d'apprendre ma notion d'anglais qui est sur l'idée de progrès. Néanmoins je n'ai pas réussi à trouver une bonne conclusion, j'ai donc besoin de vos conseils pour qu'elle soit parfaite, je pense que la conclusion est le plus important lors de l'oral car c'est ce que l'examinateur entend en dernier... !
Voici ma notion :

I'm going to present the notion of progress. First, the progress is a social, technological or medical evolution who can produce an improvement in the human condition. Progress involves change, evolution and most of the advances have been positive. But what effect do these « advances » have on our society? Do they always have a positive effect on the way we live? In the first place, i'm going to speak about the scientific progress, and in the second place, i'm going to speak about the progress who it's use to help the other.
First of all, i'm going to explain the notion of progress. Today, in the science, the progress is to choose or to change the human. Indeed, it's possible to choose the sex of the baby before his birth, it's the genectic selection. Or if you doesn't perfect, you are rejected by the society. For exemple, in class we saw a drawing who represent a factory who makes clones and this drawing show that you doesn't correspond to the criteria expected by the factory, you are rejected. An other exemple ; a charicature represent 2 scientists in a lab, making human. They erase all defects and create the perfect boy. This two exemple show that the progress can change the human. The people will be more and more influenced by this idea of progress which is to become perfect. The television, the magazine, internet show the ideal of human and we are invaded by the perfect man and it has consequences on our life. Moreover, the parents can design their baby, because the perfection depend of the parents. They are influence to decide the physical of their baby by the society. These babies will become perfect workers, they are no more humans. This exemple denounces moss production. The people are treates like objets. After showing that the society have influence on the population with the science, I'm also going to show that the progress can be use to help people.

In the second place, i'm going to talk about two documents who illustrate this idea. The first document speak about a "booming business". It's a girl who wants to study and go to university to become a teacher. But she wasn't fulfill her dreams because she was poor. So she was to become a surrogate mother, but she doesn't want to reveal this to not to be judge. The parents may feel excited and afraid at the same time. They may hope that the baby is healthy and they may dread that the mother might change her mind and refuses to give the baby to them. For to be a surrogate mother, the woman must be courageous and serious because it's a great responsability for she.
The second document speak about a girl, Anna who must donate an organ for her sister who is sick. She has a lawyer because he must make her parents admit that she has the right to accept or refuses to donate any part of her body. He is entitled to sue Anna's parents. She refuses to donate any organ but her parents will blame her for killing her sister. She will not gives any organ anymore because she is fed up with being forced to do it.

For conclusion, .......????
Modifié par lucile83 le 07-05-2015 19:11
Nous corrigeons ce que nous lisons, rien d'autre. A vous de rédiger votre conclusion.

Réponse: Notion/Idée de progrès de here4u, postée le 07-05-2015 à 23:20:25 (S | E)
Hello !

I'm going to present the notion of progress. First, the progress is a social, technological or medical evolution who can produce an improvement in the human condition. Progress involves change, evolution and most of the advances have been positive. But what effect do these « advances » have on our society? Do they always have a positive effect on the way we live? In the first place, i'm going to speak about the scientific progress, and in the second place, i'm going to speak about the progress who it's use to help the other.
First of all, i'm going to explain the notion of progress. Today, in the science, the progress is to choose or to change the human XXXX. Indeed, it's possible to choose the sex of the baby before his birth, it's the genectic selection. Or if you doesn't perfect, you are rejected by the society. For exemple, in class we saw a drawing who represent (relative pronoun + tense) a factory who makes (idem!) clones and this drawing show that you doesn't correspond to the criteria expected by the factory, you are rejected. An other exemple ; a charicature represent 2 scientists in a lab, making human XXXXXX. They erase all defects and create the perfect boy. This two exemple show that the progress can change the human XXXXXX. The people will be more and more influenced by this idea of progress which is to become perfect. The television, the magazineS, XXX internet show the ideal of human(???) and we are invaded by the perfect man and it ??? has consequences on our life. Moreover, the parents can design their baby, because the perfection depend of the parents. They are influence to decide XXXX the physicalXXXX of their baby by the society.??? (sorry, it doesn't make sense !) These babies will become perfect workers, they are no more humans. This exemple denounces moss production. The people are treates like objets. After showing that the society have influence on the population with the science, I'm also going to show that the progress can be use to help people.

In the second place, i'm going to talk about two documents who illustrate this idea. The first document speak about a "booming business". (It's) a girl (who) wants to study and go to university to become a teacher. But she wasn't fulfill (construction) her dreams because she was poor. So she was to become a surrogate mother, but she doesn't want to reveal this to not to be judge. The parents may feel excited and afraid at the same time. They may hope that the baby is healthy and they may dread that the mother might change her mind and refuses to give the baby to them. For to be a surrogate mother, the woman must be courageous and serious because it's a great responsability for she.
The second document speak about a girl, Anna who must donate an organ for her sister who is sick. She has a lawyer because he must make her parents admit that she has the right to accept or refuses to donate any part of her body. He(? the lawyer?) is entitled to sue Anna's parents. She refuses to donate any organ but her parents will blame her for killing her sister. She will not gives any organ anymore because she is fed up with being forced to do it.

The problem isn't only the lack of conclusion ...Good luck !


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