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Bac/Myths and heroes

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Bac/Myths and heroes
Message de lienn posté le 07-05-2015 à 19:06:23 (S | E | F)
j'ai terminé ma notion d'anglais sur le thème mythes et héros, je voudrais savoir si j'ai fait des fautes ou pas, ce serait super gentil de me corriger car je ne suis pas super bonne en anglais...

I'm going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes. First, a myth is a traditional story related to a country's culture and histoy. A hero is someone who inspires people thanks to his qualities. But why the celebrities are heroes and what are the myth in america? To begin with a cartoon who represents lot of people and secondly i'm going to speak of America.

First, the title of the cartoon is Dreamland and the author is Petar Pismectrovic. It's a collection of symbolic images of America, they all symbolize America. They show famous icons and landmark. The artist wants to show us that he approves of the dream of America. For exemple, they are Marilyn Monroe who is a sex symbol and embodies the American Dream, Uncle Sam who represents the US government and it's constitution, or the Empire State Building who symbolizes a renewal in architecture, and American power. On this cartoon, all the celebrities embody the American dream. There are also monuments celebrate who symbolize the American power and the wealth. Today, they are all myths and heroes of the American story
Now, i'm going to speak of Twins. Twins left their country to go in America because of violence. They couldn't live in a country where there was no hope. But a girl was infectious so she could contaminate people around and there was no remedy. So she was asked to go back to Ireland. They were crushed.

Then, Why America ? it's an extract from a novel, and the author is Narayan. It's a boy called Mali who wants to leave India to go to the USA to study, for to have a better life there. But her father doesn't agree, because of their religion, he thinks Americans rink alcohol. Mali may thinks that going to the USA is a good opportunity for him to succeed. For her father, America jeopardizes all the values he has given to his son.

At the end, America it's a song which is taken from the musical movie West Side Stroy. The characters are a group of boys and a group of girls who talk about the positive and negative aspects of America and Puerto Rico. For exemple, the "Skyscrapers bloom" is a positive aspects for America , it shows the power of America, or everything free because anyone us allowed to believe in what they want. The poverty is a negative aspects for Puerto Rico. So America is a myth because everyone speack of America same a dream. Everyone want come to America for to be more free, for a better life.

For conclusion, this explication on all the documents prouve that a lot of celebrities are heroes because they represents the dream for many people of the world. And the American Dream it's a principal things who the inmigrant choose America. It's a real myth for they.

Merci à tous !!

Modifié par lucile83 le 07-05-2015 19:08

Réponse: Bac/Myths and heroes de laure95, postée le 08-05-2015 à 19:17:21 (S | E)
But why the celebrities are heroes(ordre des mots) and what are the myth (sujet au singulier et verbe au pluriel) in america? To begin with (il manque un sujet et un verbe car TO BE GIN WITH: pour commencer))a cartoon who (WHO a pour antécédent une personne) represents a lot of people and secondly i'm going to speak of (about) America.

First, the title of the cartoon is Dreamland and the author (cartoonist) is Petar Pismectrovic.

The artist wants to show us that he approves of the dream of America (American dream). For exemple, they (there) are Marilyn Monroe who is a sex symbol and embodies the American Dream, Uncle Sam who represents the US government and it's (its) constitution, or the Empire State Building who symbolizes a renewal in architecture, and American power.

There are also monuments celebrate (celebrating ?) who symbolize the American power and the wealth. Today, they (there) are all myths and heroes of the American history

Now, i'm going to speak of (about) Twins. Twins left their country to go in (to) America because of violence.

It's the story of a boy called Mali who wants to leave India to go to the USA to study, for to have a better life there. Mali may thinks that going to the USA is a good opportunity for him to succeed. For her father,

At the end, America it's a song which is taken from the musical movie West Side Stroy.

For exemple, the "Skyscrapers bloom" is a positive aspects for America , it shows the power of America, or everything free because anyone us allowed (ordre des mots) to believe in what they want. The poverty is a negative aspects for Puerto Rico. So America is a myth because everyone speack (orthographe + conjugaison) of America same a dream ?,. Everyone want (conjugaison) come to America for to be more free, for a better life.

For conclusion (to conclude), this explication (mot français) on all the documents prouve (orthographe) that a lot of celebrities are heroes because they represents (conjugaison) the dream for many people of the world. And the American Dream it's a principal things who (why) the inmigrants choose America. It's a real myth for they. (pronom complément)

Attention à la conjugaison au présent simple: il faut seulement un -s à la 3è personne du singulier!


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