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Notion /espace et échange

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Notion /espace et échange
Message de juliettelmpo posté le 09-05-2015 à 01:07:39 (S | E | F)
je passe bientôt mon oral de Bac, et j'aimerais avoir une correction sur ma notion d'espace et échange que voici.
Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

I am going to talk about the «Spaces and Exchanges. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion: The notion of space and exchanges is a wide concept which concerns the movement from one place to another. There are several reasons for this movement, some are simply for the adventure, but many others are trying to live and escape poverty. That's what we'll see.
Among the proposals offered in the notion of "spaces and exchanges", I chosen to talk about the immigration of Mexicans in America and we ask why the immigrants want to live in America? Immigration brings only benefits? In order to illustrate I have chosen a audio recording where a Mexican immigrant explains why he want go to the USA Then I have chosen a song by Bruce Spingsteen who idealizes the USA. To finish I have chosen a text called "facing reality" which shows that want to go to USA can become a nightmare.

Indeed, many Mexican dream to live in US. The interview called "New Horizons" is between a journalist and a mexican immigrant. he explains that he is attracted to the US because of the promise of a better life, a new life bringing more wealth and material comfort. He left his wife and child in Mexico looking for a better job, better pay and better living conditions. What attracts also are the good education for his child and the excellent medical facilities increase life expectancy. They know that all this can only be reached through hard work and self-determination and they are ready to endure hardships because as shown in Bruce Springsteen song that talks about the American dream, if immigrants are working very hard, they will have the opportunity to succeed, to wear expensive clothes and buy luxury products. The people immigrated to live in a open society where they could be an equal footing. They were hoping to able to climb the rungs of the social ladder and to start from scratch. The song explains that America was built by immigrants who were living in dire straits with little income. They migrated to America with the hope of better prospects. They had to do tough jobs to integrate into American society such as working in factories
Bruce springsteen seems to idealize America as a new world full of opportunities. We could say he has a jingoistic point of view. However, at the end of the song he reveals that many immigrant have suffered and even died to build America. The american dream is not fulfilled by many immigrants, many remained poverty-stricken and had to face appalling social conditions in America.

Indeed, once arrived in United States everything does not necessarily for the better. Yet he must succeed to arrive over there.

Indeed, thanks to the text of James Michener wrote in 1985 we will see that it is not always easy to migrate to the US. This text explains how was the trip of Mexican who have decided to migrate illegaly.Mexican wanted help of smugglers to cross the border, so they had paid and were put in a miserable truck. They depend entirely on them .During the trip they must not talking and were threatened. At one point, their smugglers have set a trap and pretended the truck had a problem that there was a breakdown. So he asked the Mexicans to get off the truck. He made the Mexicans think that he was repairing the truck but the smuggler betrayed the Mexicans and left them stranded in the desert. Alone without food or drink, and a scorching sun, they endured excruciating pains. Most Of them slowly died of thirst.
Mexicans are so attracted to the possibility of a better life that they are not careful. The trip to freedom has turned into a nightmare.

In conclusion, the US can make dream about Mexicans, in their insuring a better life if they give themselves the means, however this dream can very quickly become a nightmare.

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-05-2015 09:23


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