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Bac/Spaces and Exchanges

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Bac/Spaces and Exchanges
Message de laure2703 posté le 09-05-2015 à 14:27:51 (S | E | F)
est-il possible que quelqu'un m'aide à corriger mes fautes et me dise si mon travail est cohérent ou non ? Ce serait très gentil

I am going to talk about the notion of "spaces and exchanges".
An exchange is an act of giving and receiving something else in return. There can be different types of exchanges: people, trade or media. To illustrate the notion, I have chosen to talk about globalization.
What are the different aspects and impacts of globalization?

First, I would like to give a definition of globalization. Advancements in technology, such as transportation and communications have made the growth of exchanges possible. It means that people and countries can exchange information and goods more quickly and more easily. Therefore, globalization is a process in which the world is becoming more and more interdependent. Now, the world seems to be a smaller place, that is why it is compared to a “global village”.

Nowadays, international trade is much easier thanks to modern communication, like the Internet, and faster transports, such as container shipping and airplanes. Moreover, trade barriers are removed and it allows companies to produce and to sell worldwide. That is why some brands are known all over the world, like McDonald’s and Samsung for example. Nevertheless, to become more competitive and to make more profits, many companies relocate in the developing countries, where the workforce is less paid. The advantage is that jobs are created and this can help people to leave poverty. But on the other hand, workers in the developed countries are made redundant and the rate of unemployment increase.

The different cultures in the world have been influenced by globalization through trade or medias. It enables us to discover new cultures and to open our mind. For example, there are more and more foreign products that are available in our supermarkets. But on the other hand, the Western culture, especially the American culture is taking root all over the world because of globalization. It is present in many fields such as music, food or clothes. I believe it is a drawback of globalization because some cultures could disappear and the countries could lose their identity and become standardized.

To conclude, we can say that there are many sides to globalization which affect economy, communication or culture. Globalization has both advantages and drawbacks.

Merci pour votre aide !

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-05-2015 17:58


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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