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Myths and heroes/Bac /// (1)

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Myths and heroes/Bac ///
Message de kent posté le 10-05-2015 à 19:36:08
J'ai recorrigé mon texte et tenter d'expliquer des choses sur mon ancien sujet plus bas. Mais je n'ai pas trouvé beaucoup d'erreurs par rapport à l’échec que votre intervention laissait supposer, aussi il doit y en avoir pas mal qui m'ont échappé...

A myth is a popular belief, with a variable part of truth, a hero is someone admired for his act, his courage or his determination for serve the people, these two notions are strongly linked: a hero is a part of the myth. But further than the definition. These notions have an important impact on our society, now and by the past. They have greatly contributed to the construction of the national identity, and by the way in the construction of the nation. To illustrate this we will study the role, the utilization and the evolution of myth and heroes in American society, for that we will talk about the American dream who are one of the founding myth of the USA and of the 11th September, who have greatly impacted the American society.

Because of their importance, myth and heroes were the subject of many manipulations like the American dream, but of course, the greatest myth, and the most famous heroes had to be for a part real.
In the history, the numerous migrants had seen within them the apparition of “self made men”: Adventurer who had built greatest empire of the world and make more and more attractive the USA. Henry Ford can be considered for one of these powerful men, but as we had seen in class in a text which have for purpose to present the career and the problem that Henry Ford had known, the figure of Henry Ford and his action can be subject of discussion. By his imagination in the organization of the production, he had produced at low cost many cars, like the famous Ford T. But the most clever is that the workers of the factory had enough wages for bought the car. But behind this, Ford wanted mostly had a flexible manpower, ready to accept the dehumanized work chain because of a good salary, and who will not think of her conditions: for this point Henry Ford chooses only workers who doesn't read and think too much, and who had a proper life. As we can see a large part of the Ford's story had been prettify, but in the same time, the fact show how the standard of living of the workers had been increased.
But far off these disputable heroes and myth, the American society claims less political and more human heroes, like the fire-fighter of the 11th September. We had study a work who showed in a heroic posture the fireman who had courageously brave the fire of the tower, fallen because of the terrorist attack. These men correspond to the qualities promoted during and after the attack because they symbolize the union of the American People. Indeed They had brave the danger, They had died or risked the death for protecting the liberty to live in peace of the American civil population, what is another pillar of the American identity. But we have also to say that the picture represent only WASP despite of the pluri-ethnicity of the United States, the representative of a conservator point of view, using one more time myth and heroes for promoting an ideological vision.

As we have seen, myth and heroes have in common to be important in all spiritual and mental construction. But because of that, they had to suffer of personal and national passion, who make evolved the reality, sometimes to discriminate something, another time for elevate another things. It's why we have to aboard these myths and heroes with a necessary recoil. For sort out fact from fiction.

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-05-2015 21:12
Ok, gros effort fourni.

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-05-2015 21:34

Réponse: Myths and heroes/Bac /// de kent, postée le 10-05-2015 à 19:36:39
Je n'ai pas utilisé de traducteurs en ligne, si ce n'est pour des mots en particuliers, comme je l'avais dis dans mon precèdent sujet je sais qu'il y a des formulations maladroites car j'ai tenté de soigner mon vocabulaire et ma syntaxe (c'est un échec) et que j'ai manifestement trop compté sur les similarités franco-anglaises pour chercher un vocabulaire soigné et (surtout) pour éviter les répétions, ce qui donne peut être l'effet traducteur, ou de l'invention de verbe comme pour lier ou pour, je le crains, des verbes qui existe en anglais mais qui n'ont pas le même sens.
J'ai aussi dû faire ça car je n'ai pas écris ce texte naturellement, ayant du mal avec les mythes et les héros que l'on nous a présentés: Henry Ford etc... Conscient que c'est le bac je mets mes convictions de côtés, mais je cherche a être nuancé et précis pour rester un minimum honnête, ce que je tente de faire en français avec du vocabulaire... précis et nuancé, mais qui est souvent d'un niveau de langage soutenu que je n'arrive pas à trouver naturellement dans l'anglais, et que je cherche (trop, manifestement) dans le français
Pour l'exemple d'aborder, j'ai compté par exemple sur le fait que l'usage français du terme "hors domaine marin" soit le même outre-manche, si vous ne l'avez pas cité, j'ai rencontré le même problème pour: "the defence of the good" ne sachant pas si la formulation est la même en anglais...
j'ai donc essayé de rendre plus anglais (ou moins français) mon texte, si c'est encore un échec, je suis preneur de plus de conseils, en espérant que vous croyiez en ma bonne volonté et non à une feignante traduction sur google trad.
Et désolé si mon texte d'explication est encore plus confus que le texte anglais...

Réponse: Myths and heroes/Bac /// de kent, postée le 10-05-2015 à 21:20:57
En cours de re-correction en fait, je donnerai une autre version

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