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Message de bmathilde posté le 10-05-2015 à 21:19:21 (S | E | F)
je dois commenter un sondage et j'aimerais savoir si mon anglais est correct.
Merci d'avance

Reading the National Curriculum is something simple to do, but there are not the point of view of the principal concerned people : I mean the teachers and the pupils.
To have the one of the pupils, I conducted a survey that I sent to schools and universi-ties of England. I also shared it in two education forums: Twinkl and The Student Room. Thanks to it, I have collected 72 answers that I will sum up later (and that you can see Appendix…)
With this survey, I wanted to understand how work Religious Education class, and why it is important for them to learn it at schools, while in France it is something we avoid speaking about. I also wanted to know their point of view on French system.
People who have answered mainly came from England (81,3%) and it is normally a ma-jority of students. The most of them (47,7%) think that Religious Education is really important. For a lot of different reasons such as: “It helps to learn to not be afraid of difference” , “in the world, religion plays a huge part and it impacts on society” or “It could help to reduce religious discrimination”.
68,4% of them think that Religious Education should be teach in France for this same reasons. They do not agree that Children should not have the right to wear religious symbols at 52,6% but they agree with the fact teachers should not have to say their reli-gious affiliation (42,3%).
For the functioning of RE, I asked questions about the time they are speaking about religion in one week and about the numbers of Religion they are speaking about : Con-cerning the duration, some persons say RE class lasts for less than one hour (31,6%) and some others say it lasts more than two (30,7%). And concerning the numbers of Religion the majority of people (36,8%) say they speak just about one religion, but 26,3% speak about more than five (Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Sikhism, Hinduism, Buddhism).
So with we can deduce that Religious Education stays something independent. We can also see that English people are attached to this course because that enables to children to be more open-minded, tolerant and not self-centred.

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-05-2015 21:26


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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