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Oral/Idée de progrès

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral/Idée de progrès
Message de fleaucon posté le 11-05-2015 à 22:18:00 (S | E | F)
Bonsoir à tous.
Les épreuves d'oral d'anglais, pour le BAC, arrivent à grands pas et j'aurais voulu savoir si ce que j'avais préparé était bien ( dans le cas contraire que dois-je changer?), et si je n'avais pas trop laissé de fautes. Merci d'avance pour votre aide et bonne soirée.

The notion I’ve pick up is “Notion of Progress”. First I would like to introduce you the notion. In my view the notion has various aspects, it can be related of the idea that the world and the society can change positively thanks to sciences, globalization and evolution. Nevertheless, the idea of progress is still debate between those who consider that it’s beneficial and those for who it’s dangerous. So let me ask the following question, “is progress always positive to mankind?”

First able we studied an extract of the document “Science Babies”. It’s a science fiction novel published in 1932 and written by Aldow Huxley. The story takes place in a futuristic where we produce babies in factory like plants. Babies do not have parents but parents choose their babies and their characteristics in a list. They are born in artificial incubators where inoculating them all he need. What is striking is that there is selection for fabricated babes just to make a society form with ideal persons. This method of producing is futuristic but that may exist in the future is not natural is negative to the diversity of people who make their beauty

Moreover, we studied an article who speak about Molly Nash, this girl is suffering from a very serious illness. Its doctors found a process to save her who consisted to create a baby just to save Molly and also a donor compatible so the cerate her sister. The child is destined to provide an organ transplant in order to cure the illness. This is terrible because Lisa Nash the younger sister was born just because her sister war illness. This article shows the advantage of the scientific progress, in fact the medical benefits permit saving life but ethically it’s not ideal.

Finally, we studied an article of the Globe Online published in 2010 who speak about possibility of create a baby with the characteristic that we want. This text is a science fiction, where people can ask for a baby as they want, like in a supermarket. If people could choose their children, it would be only for rich people, so he would be some discrimination. At the beginning, it was only science fiction but now, it's reality with progress. Choosing physical characteristic is a progress, a massive one, but it's dangerous for the diversity of human.

In conclusion that all the progress of scientist in medical are great, it permit to save life. But if the practises we've seen before are applied to human this could be terrible. I think the medical progress is very important because there are a lot of severe genetic illnesses. Obviously we must be very careful and set up limits and rules.

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-05-2015 22:23

Réponse: Oral/Idée de progrès de gerondif, postée le 13-05-2015 à 14:50:24 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert.
le roman d'Aldoux Huxley s'appelle "Brave New World", pas "Science Babies"!

The notion I’ve pick(participe passé to pick up c'est le verbe ramasser) up is “Notion of Progress”. First I would like to introduce the notion to you . In my view the notion has various aspects, it can be related of the idea that the world and the society can change positively thanks to sciences, globalization and evolution. Nevertheless, the idea of progress is still debate between those who consider that it’s beneficial and those for whom it’s dangerous. So let me ask the following question, “is progress always positive to mankind?”

First able(n'a pas de sens) we studied an extract of the document “Science Babies”. It’s Brave New World is a science fiction novel published in 1932 and written by Aldow Huxley. The story takes place in a futuristic place where we(vous y étiez?) produce babies in factory(pluriel) like plants. Babies do not have parents but parents choose their babies and their characteristics in a list. They are born in artificial incubators where inoculating them all he need. What is striking is that there is a selection for fabricated babies just to make a society form with ideal persons. This method of producing is futuristic but the fact that it may exist in the future is not natural, it is negative to the diversity of people who make their(leur beauté à qui ?) beauty

Moreover, we studied an article who speak(un article n'a pas de cordes vocales) about Molly Nash, this girl is suffering from a very serious illness. Its(donc, le propriétaire est un objet?) doctors found a process to save her who consisted to(in +ing) create a baby just to save Molly and also (ce donneur se racdcroche à quel verbe??)a donor compatible so the cerate(sens?) her sister. The child is destined to provide an organ transplant in order to cure the illness. This is terrible because Lisa Nash the younger sister was born just because her sister war(allemend) illness. This article shows the advantage of the scientific progress, in fact the medical benefits permit(un autre verbe ou simplement can iraient mieux) saving lives but ethically it’s not ideal.

Finally, we studied an article of the Globe Online published in 2010 who speak about the possibility of create(ing) a baby with the characteristics that we want. This text is a science fiction, where people can ask for a baby as they want, like in a supermarket. If people could choose their children, it would be only for rich people, so he would be(il y aurait ? mettez "there is" au conditionnel) some discrimination. At the beginning, it was only science fiction but now, it's reality with progress. Choosing physical characteristics is a progress, a massive one, but it's dangerous for the diversity of human people.

In conclusion, that all the progress of scientists in medical(adjectif tout seul) are great, it permit to save life(pluriel). But if the practises we've seen before are applied to human people, this it could be terrible. I think the medical progress is very important because there are a lot of severe genetic illnesses. Obviously we must be very careful and set up limits and rules.


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