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Oral/ Places and forms of power

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Oral/ Places and forms of power
Message de ineedhelp posté le 28-06-2015 à 11:32:49 (S | E | F)
Salut à tous ! Bonjour,
J'ai mon oral de Bac mardi donc j'aimerais savoir si vous pouviez corriger ma présentations'il vous plait...
Merci d'avance !!!

The notion I'm going to deal with is Seats and forms of power. This notion implies a division between those who have and exercise power and those who have none. But this power can be contested when authority seems absolute.
To illustrate this notion I will talk about the power of words that's to say : how people present their ideas through their speeches ? Why words are an important thing in politic ? After all, the speech is a significant issue in politic, that's why in Antiquity every boy from noble family had to studied the “rhetoric” to know how speaking in front of people.
To answer these questions, I will use 3 documents. The first one is a trailer of the King's speech directed by Tom Hooper and starring with Colin Firth for King George VI, the second one is a speech delivered by Martin Luther King in Washington on the 28th August 1963 and the last one is a speech delivered by Barack Obama on the 3rd July 2015 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the "Bloody Sunday" march that erupted in police violence on Selma's Edmund Pettus Bridge. From these documents we will see firstly why words are indispensable to transmits ideas, then how words are used in politic.

Speaking correctly is very important for someone who want transmit his though because language is the main tool uses to interact and express ideas. Language is the method of human communication and is an integral part of culture and society. It is a complex and open system that allows for innovation, modification and evolution. In some Native American's society, a man to become leader must speak very well. That's why it's important mainly for politicians, leaders of some groups to speak clearly. The king of United Kingdom, George VI, understood this fact, that's why he wished to overcome his stammer, helping by Lionel Logue, a doctor specialized in this kind of problems. Even in some part of the trailer, the main character, Bertie says something like: “If I'm King, where's my power ? Because the nation believes that when I speak, I speak for them. But I can't speak.” I think he perfectly realized that to govern a country he had absolutely know speaking correctly.
We also see the importance of words in the fact that politicians, leaders make speeches when a situation is significant, during a crisis. For example, the most of the time, politicians do speeches when a war is about to happened, or after. George VI by example delivered a memorable speech by radio when England declares war on Nazi Germany. With regards to Martin Luther King, the civil rights leader, made a speech at the Lincoln Memorial on August 28th, 1963, in which he calls for an end to racism in the United States; he needed to gather people. This speech is also a peaceful way to fight for his claims as Obama's speech on July 7th, 2015 who delivered a speech for supporting the minority rights (by example of Black people who were slaves in Alabama). The dialogue, the words are always been considered like a pacific way to fight.

But language is like a social art. Indeed, words had to be used in a particular way to reach the goal : persuade people. Let's take Barack Obama's speech, this president uses some rhetorical devices to persuade his people with, for example, the rebuttal with the repetition of the words “not because” and with the new idea introduced by “but because”. He also uses some anaphors as “because of” to emphasize the struggle done by the demonstrators who took part in marches. Many of them were civil rights leaders or activists and their actions led to the Voting Rights Act signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson on August 6th, 1965. Economic and social barriers also came down bringing a change that is visible today, that's what Obama wants to emphasize with his rhetorical devices and assert that the struggle to minority rights (as gay Americans, Asian- Americans...) “is never done”.
Repetitions are also used by Martin Luther King's speech to press the United States government for equality as the most famous anaphor “I have a dream”. But, we can admire many other rhetorical devices as metaphors, like “oasis of freedom and justice” or “a beautiful symphony of brotherhood”, contrasts with the words “slave” and “slave owners” or also metonymies as “states for the whole nation”. I think that Martin Luther King's work as priest explain why this man is a so good speaker. And so, his speech has allowed to the Civil Rights Act on July 2nd, 1964 which outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin.

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-06-2015 12:17

Réponse: Oral/ Places and forms of power de ineedhelp, postée le 28-06-2015 à 11:33:16 (S | E)
Thus, we see that words can have power, a lot of power, because the language is a symbol of communication which permits to gather people and create a civilization. Here we only see the good aspects of words. Here they transmit good messages or the speakers want to make good. But we can consider that of all the weapons of destruction that man could invent, the most terrible- and the most powerful -was the word. Because sometimes words could create disaster, by example Hitler, and the creation of the fanaticism.

Merci d'avance !!!


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