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Correction/ synthèse

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ synthèse
Message de juliemarine posté le 25-09-2015 à 08:58:15 (S | E | F)
j'ai un une synthèse en anglais à rédiger sur mes difficultés et ce que j'envisage de faire pour m'améliorer ce semestre. Pourriez-vous me faire une correction (grammaire, vocabulaire)? Je vous en remercie par avance.

I have some difficulties with my listening. There are some accents or words i didn't always understand and that could be a problem for me. In fact, for my futur job, i may go in different countries where they only speak English and have to manage to make myself understood and to understand what people says. . Futhermore, i'll be confronted to make some conference and this conference will be in english and with a scientific vocabulary.
For this first difficulties i have and to improve my scientific vocabulary, i'll watch documentaries on my topic on Ted. If i don't understand a word, i can easily find the script and follow the presentation with it. Words are specific and that will prepare me for the following years, because i would like to continue my studies with a these and to do research in ethology or in ecophysiology.
To enrich my vocabulary, learn new words and to do other thing which are a nice change from my biology courses, i'll listen to music and i'll try to find and understand the word. I think that it will be a good training to be more attentive to words and their meanings. Futhermore to improve my listening, i'll watch more films in English and listen to radio programmes.

Others difficulties i have are with my speaking. To improve it, I'll do some workshops : the subjects are often interesting and varied . Last year i went to workshops and we spoke about food : vegetarian and vegan diets, beef burger and eating insects. That was pleasants experiences. In this workshops we can speak without fear with the other people and have a debate with others who didn't have the same point of view.
Futhermore, my mom knows one woman who was 7 years in England. She plays tennis like me and so the holidays, we predicted to see each others to do one tennis match and speak English.
Moreover, I have some american friends and we sometimes speak together on internet. We pick a topic and we talk about.

I have less difficulties in reading but it is necessary for my studies. In fact, all the articles or publications we need are in English : only a few articles are in french. Understand what i read is also for me a necessity. As i said before, i'll do research and i'll have to read scientific articles all my life. To improve it, i'll read the articles they give us in our schoolclass. Moreover I'm subscribe in a scientific revue : Nature and so i sometimes read articles in English when i have the time.
Another thing i did to improve my English vocabulary is to buy a book called « the Time Traveller » by Herbert George Wells and « African Tales » by Alexander Mac Call Smith : a bilingual editions. For the moment I haven't the time to read it but I'll began it the following weeks. This will be usefull and help me to understand the word i don't know : i can just read it on the adjacent page. The stories are short and science fiction.

Finally to improve my writing, because, like I said before, i'll have to write articles if I'll become a researcher. To improve it, i'll try to write sometimes with (no idea for the moment)

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-09-2015 08:59
On écrit I au lieu de i

Réponse: Correction/ synthèse de bluestar, postée le 26-09-2015 à 15:02:25 (S | E)

I have some difficulties with my listening. There are some accents or words i didn't always understand and that could be a problem for me. In fact, for my futur(orth.) job, i may go in different countries where they only speak English and have to manage to make myself understood and to understand what people says (accorde) Futhermore (orth.), i'll be confronted to make (reformuler)some conference and this conference will be in Eenglish and with a scientific vocabulary.
For this first difficulties(accorde: this..difficulties) i have and to improve my scientific vocabulary, i'll watch documentaries on my topic on Ted. If i don't understand a word, i can easily find the script and follow the presentation with it. Words are specific and that will prepare me for the following years, because i would like to continue my studies with a these (un mot francaise) and to do research in ethology or in ecophysiology.
To enrich my vocabulary, learn new words and to do other thing(pluriel) which are a nice change from my biology courses, i'll listen to music and i'll try to find and understand the word. I think that it will be a good training to be more attentive to words and their meanings. Futhermore to improve my listening, i'll watch more films in English and listen to radio programmes.

Others difficulties i have are with my speaking. To improve it, I'll do some workshops : the subjects are often interesting and varied . Last year i went to workshops and we spoke about food : vegetarian and vegan diets, beef burger and eating insects. That was pleasants (aucun s au pluriel des adjectifs) experiences. In this workshops we can speak without fear with the other people and have a debate with others who didn't have the same point of view. (mélange des temps..can, have, didn't)
Futhermore, my mom knows one woman who was(mauvaise temps) 7 years in England. She plays tennis like me and so...preposition?.. the holidays, we predicted (un autre verbe)to see each others to do one tennis match and speak English.
Moreover, I have some Aamerican friends and we sometimes speak together on the internet. We pick a topic and we talk about...(quoi?).

I have less fewer difficulties in reading but it is necessary for my studies. In fact, all the articles or publications we need are in English : only a few articles are in french. Understand (verbe-ing) what i read is also for me a necessity. As i said before, i'll do research and i'll have to read scientific articles all my life. To improve it, i'll read the articles they give us in our schoolclass. Moreover I'm subscribe in (reformuler)a scientific revue review : Nature and so i sometimes read articles in English when i have the time.
Another thing i did to improve my English vocabulary is to buy a book called « the Time Traveller » by Herbert George Wells and « African Tales » by Alexander Mac Call Smith : a bilingual editions. [accorde: 'a' (singulier).. 'editions' (pluriel)] For the moment I haven't the time to read it but I'll began it the following weeks. This will be usefull and help me to understand the word (pluriel) i don't know : i can just read it on the adjacent page. The stories are short and science fiction.

Finally to improve my writing, because, like as I said before, i'll have to write articles if I'll (temps) become a researcher. To improve it, i'll try to write sometimes with (no idea for the moment)

Comme Lucile a indiqué, vous avez toujours besoin d'une lettre majuscule pour la première personne du singulier (sans exception) .. 'i' n'est pas acceptable.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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