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Correction/film review

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Correction/film review
Message de trauzeur posté le 08-10-2015 à 00:55:40 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous. Pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plaît à corriger ce devoir. Merci d'avance.

A while ago, I watched an interesting film based on a real event. The film was set both in the United States and in Japan. The main character was a young and brave American who as a child was very good at running at school. He ends up his life becoming an athlete and became famous because of his successful career.
A few years later, his country was at war and he ended up being a soldier. Unfortunately his country lost the war and he was taken prisoner in Japan where he spent many years working and living in harsh conditions. He suffered from anxiety because he was miles away of his family and they didn’t know if he was still alive or not.
Slowly but surely, he managed to escaped and finally came back in his country 15 years later. He found that her mother had died the year before and his first son Peter had a 3 year old girl. A party was organised to celebrate the unexpected come back.
2 years later after the end of the war, he decided to go back in japan to meet the people who made him suffered during his time in Japan. He eventually decided to forgive instead of getting revenge on them.
This film is so moving because it shows the value of human being and also, it shows how bad it is to treat other human beings like animals. It is so powerful .This film is really a must.

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-10-2015 08:51

Réponse: Correction/film review de gerondif, postée le 08-10-2015 à 10:38:19 (S | E)

A while ago, I watched an interesting film based on a real event. The film was set both in the United States and in Japan. The main character was a young and brave American who as a child was very good at running at school. He ends(pourquoi ce présent et pas un prétérit?) up his life becoming an athlete and became famous because of his successful career.
A few years later, his country was at war and he ended up being a soldier. Unfortunately his country lost the war and he was taken prisoner in Japan where he spent many years working and living in harsh conditions. He suffered from anxiety because he was miles away of his family and they didn’t know if he was still alive or not.
Slowly but surely, he managed to escaped(infinitif) and finally came back in(came implique un déplacement) his country 15 years later. He found that her'sa mère à lui) mother had died the year before and his first son Peter had a 3 year old(adjectif composé =tirets) girl. A party was organised to celebrate the unexpected come back.
2 years later after the end of the war, (pas possible, il a été prisonnier pendant 15 ans, il ne peut pas retourner au Japon deux ans après la fin de la guerre)he decided to go back in( go = déplacement) japan to meet the people who made him suffered(qui l'avaient fait souffrir make passe au plus que parfait et suffer à la base verbale) during his time in Japan. He eventually decided to forgive instead of getting revenge on them.
This film is so moving because it shows the value of human being(pluriel) and also, it shows how bad it is to treat other human beings like animals. It is so powerful .This film is really a must.

Réponse: Correction/film review de trauzeur, postée le 08-10-2015 à 15:40:35 (S | E)


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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