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Correction/ email

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ email
Message de anama posté le 13-10-2015 à 20:59:12 (S | E | F)
Est-il possible s'il vous plait que vous corrigiez un mail que je dois envoyer ?
Merci pour vos réponses.

Dear Mr X,
In September, I will become a student in a engineer school on the campus of INSA in Lyon. That's why I research an appartment for the beginning of the school year.
I saw your advert on the website I am very interested by your rent.
Firstly, the apartment is still free ?

If it is free, I need more information about it.
Is the apartment furnished and where it is located in Lyon ? Is it close to the school of INSA?
I live in Paris and it would be complicated for me to have furnitures. Also, I don't have a car and I move only in bus. So, the apartment cannot be too far of the campus of INSA.

Moreover, I have also some questions on the rend.
Does the rent cost three hundred euros? And more precisely, does the rent include utilities ? Because I’m a student, my parents give me a budget of three hundred euros per month.
I will be in Lyon for three years, I wish to sign the rental agreement for three years.

If it possible, I would like to visit the apartment soon. Nevertheless, I am in Lyon only the week. I am free at 8 pm every day.
We can call me at X to give me a response for my email.

Kind regards,

Modifié par webmaster le 13-10-2015 21:04
Téléphone retiré

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-10-2015 21:16

Réponse: Correction/ email de gerondif, postée le 13-10-2015 à 23:44:43 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert
Dear Mr X,
In September, I will become a student in a engineer school on the INSA campus in Lyon. That's why I research(utilisez look for au présent en ing) an appartment for the beginning of the school year.
I saw your advert on the website I am very interested by(in) your rent.
Firstly, the apartment is (inversez, forme interrogative) still free ?

If it is free, I need more information about it.
Is the apartment furnished and where it is located in Lyon ? Is it close to the school of INSA?
I live in Paris and it would be complicated for me to have furnitures(mot collectif). Also, I don't have a car and I move(voyager) only in bus. So, the apartment cannot (j'aurais plutôt me shouldn't) be too far of the campus of INSA.

Moreover, I have also (à placer devant le verbe) some questions on the rend.
Does the rent cost (mettez le verbe être, le sujet du verbe cost doit être un objet) three hundred euros? And more precisely, does the rent include utilities (sens??)? Because I’m a student, my parents give me a budget of three hundred euros per month.
I will be in Lyon for three years, I wish to sign the rental agreement for three years.

If it is possible, I would like to visit the apartment soon. Nevertheless (un simple "but" aurait suffi), I am in Lyon only during the week. I am free at 8 pm every day.
We(vous) can call me at X to give me a response(il y a plus simple) for my email.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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