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Correction/ tâche finale

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ tâche finale
Message de lulu2602 posté le 28-10-2015 à 21:06:42 (S | E | F)
voici ma tâche finale, merci de bien vouloir corriger mes fautes s'il vous plait,
merci d'avance pour vos réponses!

I’m Raphaelle, I’m Lucie and we are the new principal of the new High school.
To begin with let us welcome you in our wonderful school. We wish you a happy school year, and we hope you will success in all your projects: either professional than personal. If you have any problems don’t hesitate to tell us, we are here to listen to you, and help you to progress in every domain.
So, first, about the time table, you will work five days a week, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm at the most. You have the good luck to choose your subjects in part. Indeed, you can take, at least, two, and at the most three options, which you have two hours per week. We propose many options: cooking, sport, music, art, home improvement, stylish, hairstyling, animals, marketing, and so on.
However, you have common disciplines: mathematics, physics, sciences, French, English, Spanish, history, geography.
About the notation, instead of putting marks, we have chosen to use the rainbow’s colours.
For the canteen, or rather the restaurant, you will order your menu, which will be changed all the months, on your phone in the morning. You have one hour for the lunch, and thanks to the five queues, you will wait 10 minutes at the most. Of course you have to clear your tray and waste the least you can: don’t bite of more than one chew!
In the school, we have invest in several relaxation rooms like a dormitory, a cinema, a cafeteria where you can buy food, watch TV, play games and so on.
So now, let us speak about the different rules:
First, our school is very cool, but don’t take the biscuit!
Then, you have to listen to the teacher, to be polite, to be hard working. You can’t use your phone and eat in the classroom.
In addition, you have to do your homework, which we evaluate 30 minutes per day at the most. If you have difficulties, you can go to the study, because if you don’t work, you will have more hours of study, until 6:00 pm!

Finally, do not stress, the year will be all right, do not have a cow!
Do you have any questions or propositions? About the canteen, the subjects, the rules...
So our presentation is perfect, we do not have forgotten anything!

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-10-2015 21:55


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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