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Message de funnix posté le 21-11-2015 à 17:15:35 (S | E | F)
a priori on comprend pas mal la phrase prononcée par Sinatra avant de chanter la célébrissime chanson New York New York.
the ball team that lost --> l'équipe (de base ball?) qui perdit.
Mais qui perdit quoi au fait ??
Voici la phrase complète :
This Don Costa arrangement with Freddie Epp, John Canda love song to the city that never sleeps and the ball team that lost."
Merci pour vos réponses.

Modifié par lucile83 le 21-11-2015 17:54

Réponse: Sinatra/lost de lucile83, postée le 21-11-2015 à 18:29:21 (S | E)
...ball team that lost. = l'équipe qui a perdu. >> il n'y a pas besoin de complément; l'équipe a perdu le match de baseball.A mon avis il s'agit des Yankees.
In those years....
New York has two major league baseball teams: The Mets and The Yankees. The Mets are considered more a working-class team and tend to represent areas like Queens, Long Island and to some extent, New Jersey. The Yankees are more associated with Manhattan, which is the hub of activity in New York City. The Yankees consistently have the biggest payroll in baseball and have won the most championships. They, of course, appropriated "New York, New York," which they play after every home game, win or lose.

La femme de F.Sinatra le poussa à faire un arrangement de la chanson, que Don Costa réalisa...
He finally agreed and asked Don Costa to arrange a brassy version for his voice accompanied by his usual big orchestra. He performed it at Radio City Musical Hall in October of that year. Brought to life with his unique phrasing and impeccable timing, the number he almost didn’t sing brought the house down.
A year later Frank relented and recorded what was to become a Sinatra anthem. He incorporated it into his Trilogy set of albums- Past, Present, and Future- his first new recordings in six years, chiefly because he’d been so busy touring. Those albums went straight to number one and garnered six Grammy nominations. Although he never admitted I was right to have suggested “New York New York” for him, I know he always felt a great personal connection to the song because he chose it thereafter as his closing number, replacing “My Way.” Not that he gave me any credit for that; he said only that it was too strong an opener and needed to be moved to the back. The irony was that the number’s biggest fan (yours truly) rarely got to hear it all the way through because, by the time he was on his finale, I’d be slipping out the side door in his cue of “These little town blues are melting away…” because Frank’s version of “New York New York” was adopted by the Yankees and played after every victory, a fact that made us both very proud.

Réponse: Sinatra/lost de funnix, postée le 22-11-2015 à 21:47:16 (S | E)
Je n'ai qu'un mot à dire : RESPECT !
quelle qualité dans la réponse !!!!
Evidemment "un grand merci" cela va sans dire, mais ça va quand même mieux en le disant !

Réponse: Sinatra/lost de lucile83, postée le 22-11-2015 à 22:36:10 (S | E)
You're welcome


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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