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Exposé/ Animal

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Exposé/ Animal
Message de soosoo57 posté le 22-11-2015 à 14:33:32 (S | E | F)
j'ai un exposé oral à faire sur un animal, le ouistiti. Pouvez-vous me dire quelles sont mes fautes d'orthographe s'il vous plait ? J'ai essayé d'en corriger le plus possible mais je pense qu'il en reste encore. De plus j'ai un souci avec les mots pluriels et singuliers et je ne sais si je dois utiliser "They" ou "It" pour parler des animaux. Je vous remercie d'avance

I'm going to present you a type of monkey which is Marmoset. Marmoset belong to the taxonomic family called the Callitrix. The genus Callitrix is divided into 22 species

The Marmoset is a small monkey with long tails. The size of males and females is similar. It's about 20 centimetres long. Marmoset weigh 250 grammes on average. The Marmoset's fur is multicolored. It's grey, black and brown. Marmoset cub are brown and yellow coats. They have primitive features. For instance they have claws rather than nails, they have tactile hairs on their wrists.
Marmoset have bushy ear and their tail is striped with alternate black and grey bands.
With their claws, they are able to cling to trees.

Marmoset are native to South America  and especially to Brazil, Peru and Colombia. They also live in Mexico. Marmoset are aboreal. they rarely go down to the ground. They prefer to live in rainforest along rivers and streams. But they can be found in urban areas.

Marmoset diet is diversified. They eat gum, fruits, seeds, nectar, flowers and fungi. But they also prey on animal such as insects lizards snails and frogs. Marmoset use their large incisors and canines to gouge holes in trees to extrat sap.

Marmoset live in family groups of 3 to 15 members. Their way of living is based on cooperation. All the member of the family group take care of young and share food. Marmoset are excellent jumper.

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-11-2015 15:44

Réponse: Exposé/ Animal de naomi26, postée le 22-11-2015 à 22:17:08 (S | E)
I'm going to present to you a type of monkey which is Marmoset. Marmoset belong to the taxonomic family called the Callitrix. The genus Callitrix is divided into 22 species.

The Marmoset is a small monkey with long tails .....ici, vous avez "monkey", qui est singulier, et "tails" est pluriel. Ils ont le besoin d'etre la meme......
The size of males and females is similar. pense il faut dire "the size of the tails".......
It's about 20 centimetres long. Marmoset weigh 250 grams on average. The Marmoset's fur is multicoloured. It's grey, black and brown. Marmoset cub are brown and yellow coats. ........"cub" a le besoin etre pluriel et aussi "are" est de etre, quand vous voulez avoir..... They have primitive features, for instance they have claws rather than nails, they have tactile hairs on their wrists.
Marmoset have bushy ear and their tail is striped with alternate black and grey bands. ......"ear" et "tail" doivent etre pluriel, et "is" doivent etre pluriel aussi - sont......
With their claws, they are able to cling to trees.
Marmoset are native to South America and especially to Brazil, Peru and Colombia. They also live in Mexico. Marmoset are arboreal. They rarely go down to the ground. They prefer to live in rainforest along rivers and streams, but they can be found in urban areas. ......"rainforests" est pluriel......

Marmoset diet is diversified. They eat gum, fruits, seeds, nectar, flowers and fungi. But they also prey on animal such as insects, lizards snails and frogs. ......"animal" est pluriel...... Marmoset use their large incisors and canines to gouge holes in trees to extract sap.

Marmoset live in family groups of 3 to 15 members. Their way of living is based on cooperation. All the member of the family group take care of .....the..... young and share food. Marmoset are excellent jumper. ....."members" et "jumper" sont pluriel.......
.....Si vous direz "Marmoset monkeys" plutot de "Marmoset" ce serait le plus exacte......

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-11-2015 22:40

Réponse: Exposé/ Animal de here4u, postée le 23-11-2015 à 10:03:46 (S | E)

I'm going to present you(construction) a type of monkey which is XXX Marmoset. XXX Marmoset belong to the taxonomic family called the Callitrix. The genus Callitrix is divided into 22 species

The Marmoset is a small monkey with X long tails. The size of males and females is similar(clumsy). It's about 20 centimetres long. XXX Marmoset weigh 250 grammes on average. The Marmoset's fur is multicolored. It's grey, black and brown. XXX Marmoset cub are(have?) brown and yellow coats. They have primitive features. For instance they have claws rather than nails, they have tactile hairs on their wrists.
Marmoset have bushy ear and their tail is striped with alternate black and grey bands.
With their claws, they are able to cling to trees.

Marmoset are native to South America and especially to Brazil, Peru and Colombia. They also live in Mexico.XXX Marmoset are aboreal(clumsy). they rarely go down to the ground. They prefer to live in rainforest along rivers and streams. But they can be found in urban areas.

XXX Marmoset diet is diversified. They eat gum, fruits, seeds, nectar, flowers and fungi. But they also prey on animal such as insects, lizards, snails and frogs. MarmosetS use their large incisors and canines to gouge holes in trees to extrat (spelling)sap.

Marmoset live in family groups of 3 to 15 members. Their way of living is based on cooperation. All the member of the family group take care of young = adj and share food. MarmosetS are excellent jumperS.

Réponse: Exposé/ Animal de soosoo57, postée le 23-11-2015 à 13:44:37 (S | E)
Merci à vous de m'avoir répondu. Je pense avoir corrigé toutes mes erreurs, est-ce mieux ?

I'm going to present to you a type of monkey which is the Marmoset. The Marmoset belongs to the taxonomic family called the Callitrix. The genus Callitrix is divided into 22 species

The Marmoset is a small monkey with a long tail. The Marmoset is about 20 centimetres long. The Marmoset weighs 250 grammes on average. The Marmoset's fur is multicolored. It's grey, black and brown. The Marmoset's cub has brown and yellow coats. the Marmoset has primitive features. For instance they have claws rather than nails, they have tactile hairs on their wrists.
Marmoset have bushy ears and their tail is striped with alternate black and grey bands.
With their claws, they are able to cling to trees.

Marmoset are native to South America and especially to Brazil, Peru and Colombia. They also live in Mexico.XXX Marmoset are aboreal(clumsy). they rarely go down to the ground. They prefer to live in rainforest along rivers and streams. But they can be found in urban areas.

The Marmoset's diet is diversified. They eat gum, fruits, seeds, nectar, flowers and fungi. But they also prey on animals such as insects, lizards, snails and frogs. MarmosetS use their large incisors and canines to gouge holes in trees to extract sap.

Marmoset live in family groups of 3 to 15 members. Their way of living is based on cooperation. All the members of the family group take care of young monkeys and share food. Marmosets are excellent jumpers.

Réponse: Exposé/ Animal de here4u, postée le 23-11-2015 à 20:40:44 (S | E)
Hello !
Il reste encore plusieurs erreurs, déjà signalées, surtout des mélanges singulier/pluriel ... A relire avec soin. Courage !


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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