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Correction /Mérovingiens

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction /Mérovingiens
Message de artsthis posté le 26-11-2015 à 17:27:49 (S | E | F)
Saluut! Bonjour,
Alors voilà je suis en licence d'histoire et extrêmement nul en grammaire anglaise.Pour Lundi prochain j'ai une autodictée à faire, et donc j'ai préparé mon texte mais si une âme charitable pouvait me le corriger je lui en serais très reconnaissante

Clovis Ier was the son of 1st Childéric, the first king of the dynasty of the Merovingians. Crowned in 15 years and brilliant military leader, he increases considerably the territory of the small kingdom of Francs saliens from which he inherits in the death of his father to unify a big part of the true kingdoms. The history of its reign is known through the papers of bishop Grégoire of Tours.

One of the most important events of his reign it is the battle of Tolbiac that would be situated between 496 and 506 according to the historians. During this battle which looked very bad for Clovis, he asked first of all his heathen gods but his army was not in a better situation, then he asked the god of his wife Clotilde who was Christian and there his army took away the battle against Alamans.

Even if since a few years Clovis thought that it would be better to be converted to the Christianity to steer better, its origins and its heathen inheritance remained stronger. But by way of thanks for this victory, Clovis is converted with his soldiers to the Christianity.

At the same moment, in Great Britain takes place the battle of Mount Badon, a battle taken away by the Bretons on the Anglo-Saxon at about the year 500, during the Anglo-Saxon conquest of the Brittany. The myth of king Arthur surrounds the battle.

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-11-2015 19:58

Réponse: Correction /Mérovingiens de here4u, postée le 26-11-2015 à 19:09:49 (S | E)
hello !

Clovis Ier was the son of 1st Childéric, the first king of the dynasty of the Merovingians. Crowned in 15 years and X brilliant military leader, he increases = tense!considerably the territory= word order of the small kingdom of Francs saliens from which he inherits in the death of his father to unify a big part of the true kingdoms. The history of its reign is known through the papers of bishop Grégoire of Tours.

One of the most important events of his reign it is = constr + tense the battle of Tolbiac that would be situated between 496 and 506 according to the historians. During this battle which looked very bad for Clovis, he asked first of all his heathen gods= very, very clumsy... but his army was not in a better(better than what?) situation, then he asked the god of his wife Clotilde who was X Christian and there his army took away the battle against Alamans.

Even if since a few years Clovis thought that it would be better to be converted to the Christianity to steer better , its origins and its heathen inheritance remained stronger. But by way of thanks for this victory, Clovis is converted with his soldiers to the Christianity. word order

At the same moment, in Great Britain takes place the battle of Mount Badon,word order! and tense) a battle taken away by the Bretons on the Anglo-Saxon at about the year 500, during the Anglo-Saxon conquest of the Brittany. The myth of king Arthur surrounds the battle.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais



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